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What should I buy for my birthday

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Ok, I'll admit that I'm a little bummed. My birthday was this weekend. My dh didn't buy me anything. He looked for a Wii fit that I wanted but couldn't find it. He told me that and said that he hadn't bought anything for my birthday. I thought he was kidding but he wasn't. Because Mother's Day is a few weeks before my birthday it seems like I never get birthday presents from him. Just doesn't seem fair.


To top it all off my brother has stopped speaking to me. I won't get into the details but I had been holding things in for over 20 years to keep peace in the family. He hasn't always treated my parents or my family well but due to my parent's wishes I let it slide. A few months ago I showed concern for one of his kids. It backfired and he was upset. I finally told him that I was tired of walking on broken glass with him and spilled the beans. I didn't say anything nasty or that wasn't true but he didn't like being called on it. He didn't call or send me a birthday card so I guess the writing is on the wall. We haven't been close since we were kids but this still hurt. This is the first year that I didn't hear from him on my birthday.


So I'll quit whinning now but to make myself better I want to buy myself a small birthday present to cheer me up. This may sound selfish but I'm going to do it anyway. I'm talking less than $50 but I would love some ideas.

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I didn't mean to come off sounding like my family doesn't care or that I don't appreciate them. I don't mean that my dh just completely ignored my birthday. He got me a cake and we went out to eat. I'm just a little bummed because he didn't get me anything. I know that sounds selfish but if it were the other way around I know he would be hurt. I always make sure to get him something even if I can't find or can't afford his number one choice. My dh said that I could just buy something myself so I'm going to do that :)

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I would definitely buy myself something--money saved for a purse, pedicure, lunch w/ friends, outfit, cute shoes...anything that will brighten a mood.


DH and his sister have a volatile relationship and it dragged everyone including extended family down. She played martyr and he was annoyed with her alleged sacrifices and the cycle progressed. Best thing for everyone's sanity and happiness is when they began a respectful, cautious email thread.


Sorry DH goofed and skipped buying your birthday present. I say we give you a collective hive hug and celebrate your birthday!!!:grouphug:


!!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy!!!

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I didn't mean to come off sounding like my family doesn't care or that I don't appreciate them. I don't mean that my dh just completely ignored my birthday. He got me a cake and we went out to eat. I'm just a little bummed because he didn't get me anything. I know that sounds selfish but if it were the other way around I know he would be hurt. I always make sure to get him something even if I can't find or can't afford his number one choice. My dh said that I could just buy something myself so I'm going to do that :)


You might check Craig's List for a Wii Fit. I saw some there the other day, not for less than $50, though.


As far as not getting a gift, btdt. My dh will *remember* a holiday, *remember* that he's supposed to get a gift, & work on a good idea. Then we come to the occasion, & he hasn't thought of one yet. He's not good w/ deadlines. Heh heh.


Later, when you're a little less hurt over it, you might try talking to him. I'll betcha it didn't occur to him that he should get something else if he couldn't find your top choice. Sounds dumb, I know, but...sometimes guys are like that. They kind-of fixate. Iykwim.


:grouphug: Distract & cheer yourself. If you've got a friend or a sister, take her along. See a movie. Think about something else. Laugh. Dhs look cuter after a day like that, imo.

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