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Teachers' Lounge 8-23-2011

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Come in, come in! It's Tuesday. Hmmm.


I think we'll be having several choices of tea available to enjoy with your lunch and snacks today. There are several loose leaf flavors available, with caffeine and without. :D


What's for lunch today? Here: it's still a little early. But today will be a full day of straightening up the downstairs (which means hauling a lot of it UPstairs) due to company coming over this evening. Might even wind up being a carryout pizza or subs lunch today. We'll see.


What do you wish for today? I wish I could take a nap right now - I really loathe housework. :tongue_smilie:


Anyone live in an area where your trees have begun to turn color? Or will within the next month or so? Can I come visit???:D


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Can I have the coffee flavored tea?


I'm still drinking coffee, so I haven't thought of lunch yet. The girls are eating non-dairy ice cream sandwiches outside under the tree. I think they might have a later lunch today.


When you're done cleaning your downstairs, will you come clean my basement? I am waiting for the Borders liquidators to call to tell me I can get my bookshelves, but they are going into the spot in the basement that is still full of stuff that was moved when I organized the rest of the basement. I'm making a book nook in the corner of the basement with shelves, lights, floor pillows and a deep rug.


I have exactly 10 golden leaves on the ash tree in my front yard. The cottonwood in the back has 8 or 9. The neighbor's maple hasn't started turning red yet. Come by next month, the trees will be glorious.

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I'm waiting for my science class to start right now. We ate Mediterranean food for lunch. After school, I've got to go buy the rest of the items for the tea I'm doing Thursday and start making up the various things I need for the sandwiches, etc. (deviled eggs, chicken salad, tuna salad, pimento cheese).... Two of us have new eyeglasses waiting to be picked up, but I can only manage to pick up one of those today! Maybe by Friday....

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Karen, don't tempt me. I just might!


We actually ate healthy lunches: Hormel Natural lunchmeat, with natural goat chevre (cheese) and sun-dried tomato pesto, wrapped in some really nice Romain lettuce from the Farmers Market. Grocery stores here certainly don't have Romaine lettuce like what I found at the Farmer's Market!


Of course, because we're cutting back on bread, this means the kiddos will be hungrier earlier, so maybe I can find them a nice "treat" to sustain them until dinner. Oh, dinner! What will I do for that?? Oi!

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It's quite late in the evening but I'll play. :D


What's for lunch today? Today was Burger King. Very unhealthy, but I'm so tired of cooking in a hot kitchen. We needed to get out of the house for a while, so we picked up dh for lunch and went out.

What do you wish for today? I wish it would rain. We've had hot, muggy weather since the beginning of the month and it's enough to keep even the wee'un inside. The streets have turned into a ghost town by early afternoon. When I drive by there's not one person out and all the shutters and rouladen are pulled tight to keep out the heat.


Anyone live in an area where your trees have begun to turn color? Or will within the next month or so? Can I come visit?? In about a month they will. Do come visit - your kids would love it! :DYou might want to brush up on your Italian first, though!

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Tea: Please, and thank you!


Lunch: Grapes and sunflower seeds. I wasn't very hungry today.


Wish: Hmmm...Is it okay to wish that the handsome farmer cutting hay out back would make a few more passes closer to my yard as long as I am near a window? No? Well, in that case I just wish I knew where to get my hands on four 1-gallon jars sometime this week without emptying out flour and sugar in the ones I own. Clear glass, one gallon, and I only need them for a few minutes. Surely I can think of something!


Leaves: I just went outside to check, and I am not spotting any leaves that have turned. Sometime in the next two weeks there will be a few red leaves on the maples. A month and 6 weeks from now, it will be beautiful!


Book nooks, mediterranean for lunch, deviled eggs (church, right? That never fails to tickle me! ;) ), fresh Romaine (yum!), and the need for Italian. It's always so nice to see what everyone else is up to. I love this place.

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It's quite late in the evening but I'll play. :D



Anyone live in an area where your trees have begun to turn color? Or will within the next month or so? Can I come visit?? In about a month they will. Do come visit - your kids would love it! :DYou might want to brush up on your Italian first, though!



So glad you came in to the Lounge! As for my Italian, if I said to you, "Sei bella", would that work? :001_smile:

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Tea: Please, and thank you! You're welcome!


Lunch: Grapes and sunflower seeds. I wasn't very hungry today.Are you feeling okay?


Wish: Hmmm...Is it okay to wish that the handsome farmer cutting hay out back would make a few more passes closer to my yard as long as I am near a window? No? Well, in that case I just wish I knew where to get my hands on four 1-gallon jars sometime this week without emptying out flour and sugar in the ones I own. Clear glass, one gallon, and I only need them for a few minutes. Surely I can think of something! I think wishing is fine, but it should probably stop there! ;)


Leaves: I just went outside to check, and I am not spotting any leaves that have turned. Sometime in the next two weeks there will be a few red leaves on the maples. A month and 6 weeks from now, it will be beautiful! Maybe I'll come visit!


Book nooks, mediterranean for lunch, deviled eggs (church, right? That never fails to tickle me! ;) ), fresh Romaine (yum!), and the need for Italian. It's always so nice to see what everyone else is up to. I love this place.

So glad you can join us and enjoy visiting here. I had never thought about the irony of deviled eggs at church. *chuckle*
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I haven't visited the teacher's lounge before, and it's now way past lunchtime, but it looks friendly in here, so maybe I'll play too...


Tea: I think I'll stick with lemonade if that's ok.


Lunch: We had meatball sandwiches. I had a few stray frozen meatballs, a few leftover hotdog buns, and a little spaghetti sauce in the bottom of a jar so I put them all together, sprinkled with cheese, and warmed in the toaster oven. It was a hit with the guys (dh is working at home, so it was me, dh, and ds for lunch today--dd is now back over at the school and had lunch there).


Wish: Today I'm wishing anxiety disorders could be banned from this plane of existence. Really, the autism wouldn't be so bad without the GAD stacked in with it. Also, while I'm at it, I'm going to wish away PMS.


Leaves: It's only recently starting to feel like summer here. Usually summers are bakingly hot and dry here, starting about the end of May, but we've had cooler than usual weather and a really unusual amount of rain and hail around here this summer. I keep hearing people comment that it doesn't feel like time for school to start yet because it's only just now starting to get really hot, and it's felt like spring lasted a few extra months. Makes me wonder what the deal will be with fall this year.

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Totally didn't make it to the teacher's lounge today because I was just too busy to even think about getting on here!


What's for lunch today? Today was leftovers for ds and I, while the girls had "roll-'em up" sandwiches (basically a tortilla with lunch meat, pickle and shredded cheese rolled up).


What do you wish for today? I wish for some chocolate...and an extra dose of energy to get through all that I still have to do tonight!


Anyone live in an area where your trees have begun to turn color? Or will within the next month or so? Can I come visit?? Nope, still in the 90's most days here. Trees won't change colors until October.

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Herbal tea please!


Lunch: Sandwiches and soup for the older two, Gogurt for the little one (I know, I know, but she's been sick and I was just happy to get food into her). Me. . . uh Diet Pepsi and a snack pack of Vanilla wafers.


Wish: Wishing it was cooler here. Wishing there weren't two black widow spiders on the playset so I could send the kids out. I'm too chicken to remove them myself, and blasting them with the hose apparently does nothing to budge their webs. So DH gets to play Super Spider Killer after work.


Leaves: I wish. It's in the nineties today. But since we've started school, I've been resisting the urge to make soups/stews and homemade bread. The A/C is running as I write this.

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Tea - Anything with caffeine!


Lunch: Sandwiches and peaches


Wish: I wish that all signs of this virus will go away soon. I also wish that our chicken mummy will work. I probably should have changed the salt on Sunday but didn't (see wish #1). It had a not-so-'neutral' smell today - not rotten, just different than before. If it is better at the next change, I promise that I will do all future changes on schedule.


Leaves: still quite warm here, but I have seen the beginnings of change. We are 30 minutes from Great Smokies NP and Blue Ridge Pkwy.

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