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Our family just got back from a trip to PA, and Gettysburg was our final stop. It was my favorite part of the whole trip!


Things I learned:

-It's hard for kids to go from a day at Hershey Park (whee - amusement park!) to Gettysburg (serious).


-We needed to break up the time - tour for a while, then maybe go back to your hotel for a swim, have some food, and head out again.


-Please make sure to have some kind of tour component. It is a LARGE battlefield, and if you just drive around, you won't get as much out of it. We borrowed the audio CD tour from some friends (it can be bought there), and listened and looked at our own pace. It was really well done and engaging. There are several other tour options too.


-Begin at the visitors' center. It is relatively new and extremely well done. Plan at least two hours there. Seriously. I know it sounds like a lot, but we stayed three. Make sure to watch the movie, as it gives a really good context for the battle.


-When driving the battlefield, get out and walk around. Climb the observation towers, explore the rocks on Little Round Top and Devil's Den, etc. This is what helped engage our kids the most. Get a feel for the lay of the land and imagine what it might have been like those first days of July, 1863.


For me, as a history buff, I thought it was an amazing experience. We were there 1 1/2 days, and it didn't seem like nearly enough. It is truly sacred ground. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

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Hire a guide to drive/ride in your car! We did this and it was FANTASTIC! He was very informative and we let him drive our car...didn't have to worry about navigating! You can make reservations through the park system. He wove a story through the sites...and would end with a "cliff hanger" that would carry us to the next stop. Learned SO much!


Have fun!

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Our family just got back from a trip to PA, and Gettysburg was our final stop. It was my favorite part of the whole trip!


Things I learned:

-It's hard for kids to go from a day at Hershey Park (whee - amusement park!) to Gettysburg (serious).


-We needed to break up the time - tour for a while, then maybe go back to your hotel for a swim, have some food, and head out again.


-Please make sure to have some kind of tour component. It is a LARGE battlefield, and if you just drive around, you won't get as much out of it. We borrowed the audio CD tour from some friends (it can be bought there), and listened and looked at our own pace. It was really well done and engaging. There are several other tour options too.


-Begin at the visitors' center. It is relatively new and extremely well done. Plan at least two hours there. Seriously. I know it sounds like a lot, but we stayed three. Make sure to watch the movie, as it gives a really good context for the battle.


-When driving the battlefield, get out and walk around. Climb the observation towers, explore the rocks on Little Round Top and Devil's Den, etc. This is what helped engage our kids the most. Get a feel for the lay of the land and imagine what it might have been like those first days of July, 1863.


For me, as a history buff, I thought it was an amazing experience. We were there 1 1/2 days, and it didn't seem like nearly enough. It is truly sacred ground. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

:iagree: to all of this, except we didn't go to Hershey Park. The visitors' center is great!


Our dc had memorized the Gettysburg address and recited it while we were there. Even the then 4yo had it memorized.

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Thanks Mary!


Anyone else?


I am not sure how to advise you, given that your oldest is 8. We spent 3 days there when my youngest was 8. We really delved deeply into the whole experience but I am not sure how realistic it would be for younger kids.


This is what we did:


Hired 2 Licensed Battlefield Guides for 2 tours. The first guide took us through the first 2 days of the battle. The 2nd guide took us through day 3 and the aftermath. The first guide was actually with us for close to 3 hours. The 2nd guide was with us for about 2 hrs. 20 min.


Did the auto tour w/CDs on our own.


Walked & walked & walked around different sections of the battlefield.


Spent hours at the Visitors' Center. (This was before the remodel.)


Does that help at all?

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Since I'm in Gettysburg pretty much weekly, I feel like I ought to comment on visiting there, LOL, but I can't, really. I have done the audio tour, and it's very good, but the last time I did it, I had one toddler, and she slept in the car. I am looking forward to trying it again this year, but with 4 dc between infant and 9, it may or may not go well.


I want to try the Hall of Presidents -- I think the kids would get a kick out of that.

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Hire a guide to drive/ride in your car! We did this and it was FANTASTIC! He was very informative and we let him drive our car...didn't have to worry about navigating! You can make reservations through the park system. He wove a story through the sites...and would end with a "cliff hanger" that would carry us to the next stop. Learned SO much!


Have fun!


Our family did this the summer before I attended college there, and it was wonderful! The tour guides love giving personal tours and will adapt the tour to your interests and ages.


Other things not to miss:

- Eisenhower House

- The Cyclorama (dh and I are in debate about whether it is still there, but we both loved it)

- The Peacelight (great place to have a picnic around sunset)

- cheesecake at the Lincoln Diner (granted, not historical but definitely delicious... that cheesecake sustained me through college)


Also, if you have time, head to the campus and go to the Biology building. It is new and the foyer has been turned into a mini natural history museum with large aquariums, fossil collections, and other biological specimens. There are also some great ghost stories associated with the campus.

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- The Cyclorama (dh and I are in debate about whether it is still there, but we both loved it)



It's moved. It's now part of the new museum and admission comes with the museum ticket for those who arrive early enough. Spaces often sell out in popular visit times.


Otherwise, I highly recommend the audio tour or a driving tour as already mentioned. We've never done any of the other stuff there. I guess it's too close to home to consider it a vacation. ;)


Your kids might enjoy a trip to Hanover, PA to see potato chips being made at the Utz plant. It's free and self paced with a free small bag sample at the end.


There's also a Land of Little Horses with oodles of miniature horses if that's appealing to you.

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