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Finding other families to get together with?

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No clue. Posters in the library?


The other adults who speak my husband's language, all seem to have children who only speak English and who seem to have no desire to talk to my kids in an language, so our exposure only comes from family members/travel. I've managed to brainwash my kids into accepting speaking two langauges, so I don't want them around too many of those families as it would give my kids ideas!


Check out this website. http://www.multilingualliving.com/

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Here's a site I've tried:




The nearest for me was still 1 1/2 hours away, which didn't work out. But you can also put yourself in as looking to start a meetup. Listings usually let you know the age the group is aimed at, and the level of language.


You could also see if there is a German Saturday School in your area; maybe there would be families there to get together with.


Good luck!

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Here's a site I've tried:




The nearest for me was still 1 1/2 hours away, which didn't work out. But you can also put yourself in as looking to start a meetup. Listings usually let you know the age the group is aimed at, and the level of language.


You could also see if there is a German Saturday School in your area; maybe there would be families there to get together with.


Good luck!



Thanks for the site, I will look into it. There actually is a German Saturday School, but it's 1 1/2 hours away from us :(

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No clue. Posters in the library?


The other adults who speak my husband's language, all seem to have children who only speak English and who seem to have no desire to talk to my kids in an language, so our exposure only comes from family members/travel. I've managed to brainwash my kids into accepting speaking two langauges, so I don't want them around too many of those families as it would give my kids ideas!


Check out this website. http://www.multilingualliving.com/


Thanks for the link! :)

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I put a word out through friends/work mates if they knew any Spanish speaking families in our area with similar age children and what I was looking for. I also did a lot of listening and introducing myself at local area family friendly events whenever I overheard conversations in Spanish. Some of those initial contact did take off and some didn't. Some families were already too busy to get together or dropped out later, some still remain.


If you are a national of a German speaking nation you can contact your nearest consulate and they might be able to give you some info on local groups.

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I actually did put up flyers in the library for a German playgroup when my kids were young. I wrote the flyer in German, so I got native-speaking families. I was actually surprised how many people came out of the woodwork. I also found out about a much larger German playgroup in Boston through an yahoo list - Sprachmaeuse - for raising kids bilingual German/English. Have no idea if it's still active (the list wasn't local, it wasn't even US only).


Someone mentioned eavesdropping - one of my kids' best friends we met at LLL when I overheard her mom speaking German to her then-toddler. I just brazenly went up and introduced ourselves. They even ended up homeschooling. :D


My friend who started a Spanish playgroup also found most of the people who joined from flyers in the local libraries.


Thanks for the site, I will look into it. There actually is a German Saturday School, but it's 1 1/2 hours away from us :(


Our Sat. School is 45 minutes away, but there are families that drive even farther. I have to say it's been very worth it.

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