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SOTW Vol. 1 Activity guide- Are they still making the spiral bound?

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They said one of the reasons they are no longer printing the looseleaf or spiral is because bookstores don't like to stock that type of book. They are only (on a go forward basis) making the clean type of binding (I don't know what she called it, but it's like a regular book) and loose "student pages".

Hot Lava Mama

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I bought the regular version and divided it into two parts. The first part (with the teaching/lessons/ideas) I had spiral bound at Staples. The other section (student worksheets) I left loose so I could make copies for dd#2. It worked out better (for me) to not have all those worksheets spiral bound in with the teacher material. Now, I have a nice, compact spiral bound lesson book without the extra worksheets. :)



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I bought the regular version and divided it into two parts. The first part (with the teaching/lessons/ideas) I had spiral bound at Staples. The other section (student worksheets) I left loose so I could make copies for dd#2. It worked out better (for me) to not have all those worksheets spiral bound in with the teacher material. Now, I have a nice, compact spiral bound lesson book without the extra worksheets. :)




So you bought the regular paperback bound book and had it made into spiral bound at Staples??? Wow! I had no idea I could do that. How much did it cost?

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I did the same thing and it's not much at all. I had Office Depot cut off the binding and then 3 hole punch the student pages for me to make multiple copies and keep the masters for future. Then I actually bound the rest myself. They have the Ibico machine sitting out and I just bought the binders in the store. I think for everything - cutting off binding, buying the ibico binders and making the copies of the student pages it was less than $10. It would have been more had they bound it for me but they are really helpful and can show you how to use it if you don't already know.



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So you bought the regular paperback bound book and had it made into spiral bound at Staples??? Wow! I had no idea I could do that. How much did it cost?


IIRC it was around $3-$4.50 to have it done. I also spiral-bound the regular copy of SOTW so it stays open when I'm reading it. :)


The only thing Staples can't spiral bound are hardback books. Anything else is fair game (and I've had many of the kids' workbooks and textbooks done like this!). :D


I'm pretty sure Office Depot and Kinko's can do it as well, in case those might be more convenient. :)

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