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Books to prepare for Williamsburg / Jamestown?


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We are going to Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown in about 2 months. My kids know a little about the Revoluationary War, and a little about Jamestown, but I thought they'd get more out of it if we read some books between now and then.


Any good history books for these areas/time periods that we can use to prepare?



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Um, not necessarily for your kids, but I just finished Lies my teacher told me: Everything your American History Textbook got wrong and now believe this is an essential book for any US history study, especially to help homeschooling parents take a balanced approach as they teach it (and fill in gaps in their own education)... while still instilling patriotism, pride and Biblical values if those are important to your family.

Probably not exactly what you were thinking of, but it helped shed light and clarity on those events like nothing else I've ever read.

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Jean Fritz's books are lots of fun.


I wouldn't worry too much about preparing, though. You can enjoy Williamsburg and Jamestown without knowing anything; what you learn there can be a great springboard to researching and learning when you get home.

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Wait, are you suggesting that I actually learn history in order to teach it?! :tongue_smilie:


Thank you, looks interesting!! I will see if our library has it.


We had a very good (and kind of subversive) AP US History teacher. We read a lot of source texts, including excerpts from Capt. John Smith's diary. It really makes me laugh and shake my head when I see any of the more dramatized versions of Pocahontas...



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Jean Fritz's books are lots of fun.


I wouldn't worry too much about preparing, though. You can enjoy Williamsburg and Jamestown without knowing anything; what you learn there can be a great springboard to researching and learning when you get home.


Ditto this. We've never been to Colonial Williamsburg, but we live near enough to Jamestown to go frequently (and we do) and I don't think I've ever done any additional reading before or after our visits. It is a *fantastic* experience in and of itself and exactly like Ellie said, it will be a great springboard to research once you get back home.

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Well, even though it's fiction, my dd enjoyed Pocahontas and the Strangers by Bulla. We also enjoyed the graphic novel The Story of Jamestown, published by Capstone Press. Chestercomix has a comic book called Jamestown Journey that is interesting. And of course, D'Aulaire does have a Pocahontas book, although I didn't care for it.

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Ditto this. We've never been to Colonial Williamsburg, but we live near enough to Jamestown to go frequently (


You live close to the Historic Triangle and you've never been to Colonial Williamsburg?! My friend, you are missing out!


We just did a vacation there in May.


The 6 "Felicity" American Girl books, and the movie, all take place in Williamsburg. 5 and 7 may be a bit young to appreciate it though.


I really think at 5 and 7 it will mostly be about just taking in the ambiance and living history. My 8 year old enjoyed it but really most of the history was lost on my 6 year old. She still had fun though. Lots of fun stuff there.

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I'm SO jealous...lol! I was just looking up Jamestown this morning and wishing we could go because we're currently doing Early American History through Beautiful Feet. :) Anyway, the books we've just read are Pocahontas by Ingri D'Aulaire and Jamestown New World Adventure by James E. Knight. My kids have really been enjoying them. I hope you have a great time!

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I think age 5 and 7 would be fine for the American Girl Felicity books - we listened to them all on audio book during our drive to Williamsburg (and I had kids that age - boys and girl - the boys enjoyed it too!). You will see so many things in Williamsburg referenced in the books! I wouldn't bother with the movie - just listen to the books!


I'd say the kids would probably enjoy the tourist attraction at Jamestown better than the actual National Park site. We only went to the National park sites for both Jamestown and Yorktown. The ranger talk at Yorktown was incredible! But, a 5 and 7 year old probably wouldn't appreciate it like you would!

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You live close to the Historic Triangle and you've never been to Colonial Williamsburg?! My friend, you are missing out!


I know, I know! :D I am a HUGE history buff, too, which makes my lack of CW experience that much more horrifying. :tongue_smilie:


It's mainly a money issue- the tickets are $$$! I also don't deal well with crowds and my impression is that CW is the most-visited site of the three. I did score a 50% off admission coupon, though, and we're studying US History this year, so we are definitely planning visit this fall!!!



I'd say the kids would probably enjoy the tourist attraction at Jamestown better than the actual National Park site. We only went to the National park sites for both Jamestown and Yorktown. The ranger talk at Yorktown was incredible! But, a 5 and 7 year old probably wouldn't appreciate it like you would!


Totally agree with this, although my young kids (I think they were 5 & 2 at the time) really enjoyed walking the battlefields at Yorktown National Park. I think the tourist attraction sites are really, really well done. I am absolutely DYING to go the actual Jamestowne site, though.

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I'm SO jealous...lol! I was just looking up Jamestown this morning and wishing we could go because we're currently doing Early American History through Beautiful Feet. :)


Yes, I'm getting very excited! We're lucky because we would not normally ever spend the money to do this but we have a family wedding there so we are 'forced' to go.


Thank you SO MUCH to everyone for the wonderful book recommendations!! I'm hoping I don't make them totally sick of it by the time October comes around!


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Last year we read the book Surviving Jamestown: The Adventures of Young Sam Collier by Gail Langer Karwoski and Paul Casale




DS (7) and DD (5)loved it. After we finished reading it aloud together my son picked it up and read it 3 more times on his own! My children fell in love with the Characters and longed to visit Jamestown after reading the book. I highly recommend it!


FYI: There is one tiny part (as in two sentences) that you would want to use your discretion on reading aloud when a character is seen being tortured and burned.

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