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Mom, you need another baby so we can be a *real* homeschool family

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That is what my ds7 said to me today. According to him even though this is our 6th year homeschooling we are not *real* homeschoolers because we only have 4 kids and homeschool families are supposed to have lots. :001_huh: He also told me we should be like the Waltons or the Duggars.


He did not believe me that there is homeschool families with only 1-2 kids that you do not need to have a huge family to be a real homeschooler. :lol:


I also have absolutely no plans to have any more children. 4 on my own is quite enough thank you very much.


What a goof.

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That's too funny! We were a homeschooling family with 2 kids for a long time. There is an 11 year gap between our 2nd and 3rd children. We feel like our family is complete at 4, but if we were to get a call about another sibling, I'm pretty sure we couldn't say no. Our 3rd and 4th children were adopted, but they are birth siblings. We were very surprised when we got the second call, that DS had a baby sister. I'm pretty sure we would say " yes" if it were to happen again. Otherwise, we aren't planning to have more children.

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