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Help with dog's bleeding injury

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My dog somehow tore a small piece of the tip of ear off. It's just gone. I think he scratched his ear with his hind leg. The tear is in the shape of a V like his claw cut it right out.


It won't stop bleeding. Of course it doesn't help that he keeps shaking his head. Every time I get the blood to stop or slow, he shakes his head before I can stop him, and it starts bleeding again.


I've tried to bandage it. I taped gauge pads together and placed that around his ear, and then wrapped his ear and around his head with an ace bandage. It came off when he shook his head. I tried again and then added duct tape on the outside it the ace bandage. It came right off when he shook his head again.


I'm getting ready to duct tape his head to the floor so he can't shake it. :glare:


I've tried liquid bandage. Didn't help.

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Styptic pencils are what you need. You can buy them at Petco or Petsmart. I keep them in my doggie first aid kit. I've used cornstarch as a clotting agent before in a pinch and it works, but only if you can keep the appendage still for long enough for it to "set."


Good luck!

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Styptic pencils are what you need. You can buy them at Petco or Petsmart. I keep them in my doggie first aid kit. I've used cornstarch as a clotting agent before in a pinch and it works, but only if you can keep the appendage still for long enough for it to "set."


Good luck!


My first thought too...my dad always had one in with his shaving supplies. Might sting a bit but it'll stop the bleeding.


Since there's fur involved and it'll be hard to get the moistened pencil to the wound itself, I might suggest taking a cotton ball or piece of toilet paper and saturating it with the styptic/water mixture. i.e. getting the cotton ball quite wet and really rubbing the pencil around on it so you can squeeze drops of the liquid solution onto the wound instead of scraping the wound back and forth with the wet pencil. It's not pleasant, that!


Good luck!

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Styptic pencil or powder. Super glue might work, but probably not. Styptic pencils should be sold at a regular drugstore, either in the shaving area or the first aid section. I'm a vet tech and yes, ear injuries bleed like crazy, and are a total pain in the rear!!!

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You can also ice the site to minimize bleeding but that is only for short periods of time(2-5 min). You must find a way to stop him from shaking his head because if he hits his ear flap against something he can/most likely will cause a ear hematoma.

He should be leashed at your side if you are having difficulty in stopping him, it puts you much closer to get to him. A bandage on an ear flap will actually go around the head right now. He really needs an e-collar though to try and limit his scratching of the area. Depending on the size of your dog you can try and sock on the back feet or a rolled up towel around his neck. Both of these can limit his scratching capability.

Also, an ace bandage won't hold shape. What you need is vet wrap. A self sticking type of bandage material that has no adhesive. That should go over top of the bandage to hold everything in place.

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His ear has finally stopped bleeding. It bled a little Sat night after I used the pencil. Sunday morning dh bought the powder. We put that on and then put him in his crate to keep him quiet for the day. It has not bled since yesterday afternoon. Hope it stays that way.


He has already had two surgeries for ear hematoma. He always has ear problems! Despite the ear cleaning he always scratches and shakes his head all. the. time.


I've wondered if he's allergic to something in his food like wheat or corn. He eats Canidae because anything else gives him diarrhea and plugged anal glands.


However, I need to adjust and figure out my family's new diet due to celiac first before trying to figure out the dog's diet.


Thanks everyone, and cross your fingers that his wound doesn't open up again.


I'm keeping an eye on it for infection.

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