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Another s/o...what positive reactions have you had when strangers hear that you hs?


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I came here to gripe about the horrible customer service we received at they eye doc today. But, instead, I am choosing to focus on the positive encouragement I received.


We had already sat still and talked quietly at several businesses by the time we made it to our last stop today. They had been great and dealt with the rude treatment at the doc's office with grace. Then witnessed a customer at another business throw a loud, obnoxious fit. By the time we reached our last stop, they were tired and fed up with WAITING again. They were starting to get fidgety and it was getting to me. I was sure the staff at this last business felt the same way. Then the receptionist asked my kids about school starting and they explained that they were hsed. The receptionist then turns to me and says, "Great job, Mom! You are doing the best thing for your kids."


Not that I need to hear it from other people, but sometimes it is nice!


What positive reactions have you gotten?

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Our pediatrician just raved about how great this was for him.


And many people who know him have all remarked that he seems happier and less stressed after a year of homeschooling, even the ones who were initially nay-sayers like my brother. :D. Funny how not being bullied improves someone's overall sense of safety and reduces stress. Who could have guessed that?!:glare:

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