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?? for those who recommended Alice for programming

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My dd downloaded Alice and has been having a great time with it. However, she says there are only 3 very simple tutorials and she wants to do so much more with Alice. Is there somewhere to get information that could help her do more programming within Alice, or is it just meant to be a fun little introduction?


DD has big ideas of making characters do more, etc, but has no idea where to look for information on Alice. The programmer's blog is of no help and there seems to be nothing to give any additional information.



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I went to hear someone at a home school convention talk about Alice. The husband teaches it at a university. I loved the presentation. I was a computer programmer in my former life and thought my dd would like it. It hasn't happened yet. But, he did recommend a book called Learning to Program with Alice. It's quite pricey but he said it was good. Hope that helps!

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My son likes to program games. He prefers Alice because it's compatible with Win XP, Vista, and 7.


This has been his favorite book:

Virtual World Design and Creation for Teens



Sorry, haven't heard of Alice. I have just started my 9th grader with Python, which I know is in wide use, with a free online book for kids.




My son says that Python does not work well with Windows 7 and it's pretty flaky with Vista too. If you have XP, then Python is decent.

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Guest RoadrunnerNM

Actually, not so true anymore. I was sceptical to Python in the beginning for that very reason too, but read up on the latest development there (in my day it was C++ and Java only...) and it is a lot more cross-platform these days. Plus along with Ruby it is the programming language with the most job offers in for 2011.

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Actually, not so true anymore. I was sceptical to Python in the beginning for that very reason too, but read up on the latest development there (in my day it was C++ and Java only...) and it is a lot more cross-platform these days. Plus along with Ruby it is the programming language with the most job offers in for 2011.


Maybe so. I was just writing about my son's person experience as an amateur. He's only 14 and I'm not a programmer. I'm sure a professional would know more and could fix the issues he's had with it.


Instead of fighting with Phyton, he prefers Alice....

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