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Teachers' Lounge 8-19-2011

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Today we're going to do something new. We're going on a scavenger hunt. What are we looking for? MY BRAIN! It seems to have gone missing sometime during the night on Wednesday, because when I woke up on Thursday it was GONE. I could not think clearly about anything during the morning, with only slight improvements in the afternoon. :001_huh: I thought I had found it early Thursday evening, but then the giant dust storm came in and I think my brain, while it may have beent trying to return, got blown away in the dust, wind, and rain. :tongue_smilie:


Feel free to look anywhere, as I'm not really sure it knows where it's going. It's certainly not in my HEAD! :D


Moving right along:


What's for lunch today? One kid had taquitos, one had a burrito. I'm having a meal replacement shake as my teeth are bothering me. :glare:


Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt before? What's the weirdest thing you've had to look for (other than the brain of yours truly)?


Anything new happening today? Here: my daughter starts her drama classes today (through MoezArt Productions) and my son starts next week. I'm glad for an afternoon activity for them that I don't have to teach (yet)!


Talk to me!:bigear:



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What's for lunch today? I made a salad for me using cabbage since I am out of lettuce. For the kids, a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup.


Have you ever been on a scavenger hunt before? Here we regularly have to look for something. I'm not sure what the strangest has been so far. Once we had to look for my son's newly lost tooth in a pile of pea gravel that was all white and grey. Finally we had to leave a note for the tooth fairy to use her magic tooth magnet because I couldn't find it LOL.


Anything new happening today? Yep,, I have been home all day!!!! Tomorrow though I will be giong again.

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Lunch: leftover burger patties from dinner last night


Scavenger hunt? YES! in high school. It was terrific fun. My kids have also staged one for us.


New? Well, I got a kindle for my birthday Monday. I don't think I've had a decent night's sleep since. I usually limit myself to reading hard books during the week and fluffy books during the weekend. However. I read the whole Hunger Games trilogy since Tuesday night. I am a wee bit tired and need to learn some kindle-self-control. Waiting a week for a used copy of a book from Amazon usually slows me down and gives me a chance to sleep. Getting it delivered to my sleep-deprived self in the middle of the night is a very bad thing.

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The hotter the temperature, the foggier my mind gets. I locked myself out of the car today, left the house to run and errand and about two minutes out of the driveway had forgotten where it was I needed to go, then put water on the stove to steam some shumai but got distracted (burned the pot, house stinks, lunch plans ruined). So to sum, I don't have your brain. I don't think I even have my own. Perhaps they've run off together?


Lunch today was supposed to be shumai and rice. Instead we went to a local Italian restuarant for salads and pastas.


Several years ago my photography club did regular scavenger hunts. There were a few odd things on the lists: a person missing two plus teeth, a plastic grocery bag in flight, someone with a gender neutral name, and there were more weird ones I can't remember. It always made for interesting photos, that's for sure. Most of the fun for me was the hunt :)


Nothing new today. I outsource piano lessons, even though I could teach my kids to play. It's nice to have that; I hope your kids have fun in drama class!

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