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x-post re: Stephens College in Missouri

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Has anyone here attended Stephens???


Someone please tell me about Stephens College in Missouri.


Like NOW.


My dd is in the admissions office right now.

Classes begin on Monday.



I'm a little freaked out.

There is NO WAY that we can pay $26K in tuition.

We might can send her two HUNDRED sixty..... maybe.


I am also concerned that it is a "women's college".


We were talking about a complete different plan a few hours ago!




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(student reviews, so who can verify quality of remarks)


I have no qualms about a women's college; however, it sounds like a negative point for you.


I have heard of Stephens occasionally throughout my life (I am 56), and knew a couple of adult women who went there.

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Thanks for the links.

I'm trying NOT to be negative.

This is such a HUGE change from a few hours ago.


I'm worried about the money.

I'm also worried about a conservative Christian going into an extremely liberal non Christian environment SOCIALLY.


I have a headache and stomachache over this right now.


I'm waiting for her to call back.


More opinions please.

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I know a young lady who is attending Stephens right now! She just left NC to go back for her Sophmore year and she really enjoys it. She is a Christian and has found a church home and has not spoken about any problems fitting in while at school. I will try to touch base with her and maybe y'all can chat via email.


Let me know if there are specifics you would want me to ask.

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I hope things work out for everyone's satisfaction!


I was a conservative Christian who went to Duke, which most assuredly is NOT conservative, although it is cosmetically Christian. I found my own set of friends and did just fine. Found both excellent church communities and solid Christian student groups.


I'll wager that your daughter can do the same, if this turns out to be a "good match" college for her.



P.S. At any rate, I'll HOPE this is possible for her! I came back with this "P.S." because Soror, right after me, describes the school as strongly liberal.


Thanks for the links.

I'm trying NOT to be negative.

This is such a HUGE change from a few hours ago.


I'm worried about the money.

I'm also worried about a conservative Christian going into an extremely liberal non Christian environment SOCIALLY.


I have a headache and stomachache over this right now.


I'm waiting for her to call back.


More opinions please.

Edited by Orthodox6
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My cousin just graduated this May. He seemed to really enjoy it, although it is a girls college they do let a handful of boys in- he attended because he got very large scholarships and I believe some kind of program where he worked to help pay for tuition. They are complete and total liberals though, no help in that dept.

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Thanks for all the replies.

I need as many opinions as I can get.


She has been accepted and has met with an academic advisor.

She'll have to take out a pretty large student loan. (for us anyway)


They require living in the dorm even if the student lives in Columbia. She is now living with her older half sister and I do not like the "dorm only" requirement at all.


She is an artist so that is a good fit.


I can see pros.

I can see cons.


I've prayed pretty heavily about this and right now my prayer is to NOT WORRY.


And, although, classes do start on Monday... she does have until Monday to decide. She'll talk it over with sis (who is getting some free childcare out of her living there!) and she'll talk it over with dh (who is out of town on business as I type.)


OK... I'm putting this aside and eating pizza!

Thanks all!

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Honestly? I'd be more worried about the large college loan for an "artist" than any other aspect. I see plenty of kids from our high school take on large loans for art, culinary school, and other "not so high paying" professions, then regret it immensely later.


I'm not at all anti-college debt. I see it as worthwhile if it's an investment - if the rate of return via salary is sufficient enough to pay the debt off in 5 years or so post graduation. This rarely happens with art degrees and high debts. I've never seen it happen, but, it's not like I see everyone out there.

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Honestly? I'd be more worried about the large college loan for an "artist" than any other aspect. I see plenty of kids from our high school take on large loans for art, culinary school, and other "not so high paying" professions, then regret it immensely later.


I'm not at all anti-college debt. I see it as worthwhile if it's an investment - if the rate of return via salary is sufficient enough to pay the debt off in 5 years or so post graduation. This rarely happens with art degrees and high debts. I've never seen it happen, but, it's not like I see everyone out there.


:iagree: coming from a person with an Art degree I agree that a large student loan would scare me more than anything else. The other issues you mentioned can be worked out as the other posters have mentioned.

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After sleeping on this, I feel much better about the whole thing.

And, like other posters have said, the real negative is the student loan.


Dh thinks that she should make her own decision and live with that decision.

It is all part of growing up and being responsible.

He does not like the student loan bit.

And, he'd rather her live "at home" with her sister.

He has not got to talk with her about it yet.


But, I'm not so worried about it anymore.

Thanks everyone!

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