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Music and Art for 2nd & 3rd grades


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Hey all,

So I've already got everything planned out for this year, and last night started making some notes for next year. I'm not overly concerned with music and art, but I'm just looking for some ideas of what others have used in the past for art and music with this age group, and why you did/didn't like them. Thanks! :D

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I'm using Masterpieces and "Getting to know the world's Greatest artists" for Artist study, along with Dover picture cards and lots of various drawing supplies for 2nd. For music, we're doing Suzuki recorder, piano lessons, and music listening/composer study based on the music that she's learning to play.

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I bought this CD to use this coming year:



I may add a CM style picture study for art. Our main program has lots of art projects and my DC are very much into arts and crafts. I bought a book of 100 great paintings at a garage sale and it seems like a nice starting place. We also have a couple of nice Usborne art books.


We read lots of poetry during a tea time I tried to set up weekly. I may rotate with music, poetry, and art this year.

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DS takes piano lessons and does his practice and we take him to a wide variety of musical concerts throughout the year (jazz, rock, variety, symphony, etc.)


For art we attend a weekly program at our local art society for homeschoolers and also do Meet the Masters once a week.....and do tons of projects every week (DS loves art).

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My kids each take an instument lesson once a week and practice almost daily. For art, I'm eagerly awaiting Atelier. Last year we did art projects that connected to history, and my oldest took drawing lessons at co-op, but it didn't seem like enough, which is why we are adding in Atelier. I hope they like it!

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