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So GI Dr is going to do upper endoscopy on my 12 yo Friday what to expect?

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I know that the procedure will take about 15 minutes, and they will use a strawberry

smelling gas then put the IV in to make her sleep. So do

they give her the same drug they gave me? I think it was Proponol???


How long is recovery room about? And how long will it take for her to feel "normal"?


We are planning a camping trip, and we were leaving that evening. The procedure is at 7:45 am. GI Dr. says should be no problem going, but I don't know. I felt so tired and worn out after my colonsocopy.


Is this a surefire way to diagnose acid reflux?

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They will probably use Versed. Recovery room time will be short, just long enough for her to wake up and for them to make sure she has her gag reflex back. She shouldn't feel bad after having it done, maybe a little sore throat, but otherwise, she should be back to normal really quick. It is very different than a colonoscopy. No bowel clean-out makes a huge difference!

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I had propofol for mine. It wears off pretty quickly. In an hour or so she should be back to normal. As for a surefire diagnoses...it will tell you if there is any inflammation from reflux, but it doesn't tell you if she is refluxing, if that makes sense. An upper GI series, with fluroscopy will show that. I drank barium and then watched myself swallow on an xray. Everytime I swallowed a large amount of liquid came back up, you could totally see it. I found it fascinating, and didn't think the barium was gross. Tasted like Maalox.

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DD had one in Feb. 2009. We drove 2 hrs. to a university hospital to have it performed. She went under ok, but she had difficulty when waking up and her throat hurt quite a bit. She was in recovery for about 1 1/2 hrs. before they would let her go. We proceeded to drive home because Doc said she would be fine. She threw up twice before we made it back. She went straight to bed, and didn't start feeling like herself again until mid-afternoon the next day.


I know others do OK with this procedure. But I thought I'd share our experience. We wish that we would have went straight to a hotel room and let her rest & recover fully. I would maybe delay the camping trip until the next day if possible.


You should be able to get a definitive diagnosis on the acid reflux.



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Ditto pretty much what everyone else has said.


My son has an endoscopy at least once a year, sometimes twice, but he has SEVERE reflux. He is usually fine right after they wake him up. He has, on occasion, experienced a scratchy throat for the rest of the day, but is usually 100% by the next day. The anesthesia does seem to "stay with" him, so even though he feels fine, he usually does sleep off and on for the rest of the day. I like to schedule them as early as possible and schedule nothing else for the rest of the day.


The endoscopy will show if there is any esophageal erosion, which is usually a result of reflux; however, to actually see the extent of the reflux, you'll want a barium swallow.


My son had the barium with a LOT of strawberry milk flavor mixed in with it. Then they had him drink while standing on some sort of super step that moved him up and down and shook him all around while it all showed up on television screen. It was actually pretty neat, and it did show his severe reflux and he has had surgery several times to try to fix it . . . but that's a whole different post.


Good luck! I hope it's extremely uneventful. ;)

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We already did the barium swallow and it was negative. No reflux shown. Small bowel series on the safe side and negative. All blood work negative.


So, we are on to the next thing. I am glad they are getting her in Friday morning. I thought we would have to wait a month.


Thing is, if this shows nothing, guess we are back to guessing what this might be.


GI Dr said maybe IBS? I don't know. I am thinking more psychological. Stress, anxiety maybe?


All I know is that she is actually looking forward to having this done because she said she is tired of the "nausea in my throat". She says sometimes it starts there and it makes her stomach upset, or vice versa.


All I know is we have been dealing with this for a while now, and it gets tiring listening to her compalain about nausea in her throat, and I have no idea what to do. We have tried everything. Food eliminations, more structure, homepathic remedies. Nothing seems to help.


Now I am not so sure about the camping. We have a motorhome and we are only going 20 min down the road. And this has been the camping trip we planned just for her.


I guess we will wait and see.


Thank you

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Also going to say, I have IBS that can be aggravated by stress, so it's a real possiblity. I had a full work up done and nothing much was found. I had a tiny ulcer but my doc didn't think it could cause the pain I described.


Regular exercise, balanced diet, probiotics, and a flax based fiber make a big difference for me!

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I have IBS as well. I never had the bowel issues, or any nausea. I only had really, really bad pains in my pelvic area. Had all kinds of tests done. Because of my anxiety, they gave me Librax and I have been pain free for 5 years.

I dont think that is a drug for children though. Not sure. It has a benzo in it.


Just want her to feel better.

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My now 6 year old had an upper endoscopy when she was 4 to diagnose celiac. She went out pretty quick - I stayed with her until she was out. I sat down and could barely get into my book before they came to tell me she was done. I waited in the recovery room for her and she came out of the anesthesia about 40 minutes later and I think we left an hour later. She was fine later that day.


Good luck!

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I am very nervous. My daughter was born very, very premature and wasn't even supposed to live. She did great! With everything we went through, and what she has been through, I just want her to feel better.


I know this is not a big procedure. But I am still nervous.


And not knowing what is wrong with her scares me more. Praying it is something simple.

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