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Language Arts, do you "bulk" them or keep separate?


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Thanks, I'm experimenting with stamina this week, one schedule will be assigned, strict, disciplined without choice or order.


Version 2 is choice in any order.


I was wondering if the strict menu needed a "bulk" area for topics one after the other as best practice.


We'll see how this goes.


I'll probably end up using both methods. One for crabby days, and one for sunshine delightful child days..lol :)

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I consider those each their own subject.


I never say "Language Arts" to my children, we just call it Spelling, Reading, etc.


I do break them up in the workboxes, but each is it's own curriculum anyway, nothing is a curriculum that covers it all. So one workbox is Reading, another Spelling, another Handwriting, etc.


The workboxes are arranged in a way to try to balance out one child needing my help while the other child does something a bit more independent. So at no point is the fact that they are all "Language Arts" come into the schedule.

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My son picked his schedule this year. He starts with spelling and grammar, then math, then writing, history, science, and electives. Reading is done on his own time since he loves to read, though I do give him one book each week that he wouldn't have picked on his own (last week was "Dear Mr. Henshaw" and this week is "Mr. Popper's Penguins," for example). I don't consider them all one subject, though.

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Separate and together :) I'll explain. We do separate Reading, Spelling, Grammar, and Writing. However, we also do spelling and vocabulary through copywork, narration, and dictation.

Edited by sagira
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