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Embarking on a technology fast...

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My church is challenging us to disconnect for a week starting tomorrow night at 6 PM. I'm going to admit that I'm a little nervous. I use technology for everything, esp. on my phone. Our kids are also participating which will probably be the hardest part as they really enjoy their 30 minutes of TV time and their 30 minutes of computer time each day.


Part of me is excited though because I do waste a lot of time on here or Facebook :blush:, so it will be nice to actually get some things done! :D

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You can do it! You'll be fine. :)


We are huge tv watchers and computer users here in our house. We give up tv and computers during Lent (40 days). We don't completely stop using the computer; we still use it for school or, paying bills, looking up a phone number/address, or the calendar (we no longer use paper calendar or phone books), stuff like that. No fun things allowed. The first few days are tough, but then we find other things to do and it's not a big deal for the most part. Sometimes if we're tired, we really miss it, but then we remind ourselves that we are making a sacrifice.

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Only 2 hours before it begins. I'm starting to become excited to "check out" for a little bit. I wonder how I'll feel in a few days when my kids are driving me nuts. :). It's sometimes nice at the end of the day to throw in a dvd and just veg.

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It would be mixed feelings for my children. They love the fun part of technology, but no technology would mean a week's vacation from school. We use an online program and no computer means no school. :tongue_smilie: Come to think of it.. I would love to have a week off of school too. Ds15's work is stressing me out!

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