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okay, a very strange question

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Good to know! If morals and predilection didn't already prevent me from being a swinger, the organizational skills required would exclude me right off the bat.


There is no way I could keep my chocolates and vanillas straight. What about people who are as yet unsorted? Strawberry?


So an event where you have to invite everyone you know will, in the mind of a swinger, be a big ol' bowl of Neapolitan ice cream?




(*disclaimer: I am not making fun of swingers. Long may they swing. Just feeling silly...)



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Reply email:


Hey camper pals,


Wow, 40 acres, huh? That is a lot. I bet that with all that nature around you can really feel the presence of God out there. In fact, I bet it just makes you want to start singing hymns. With that in mind, my husband and I were thinking that we could bring our guitar and some hymnal books for some outdoor worship with you guys! (Our God Is an Awesome God, yes He is.)


Since we'll be there on the weekend and missing church, we assume that you all do Bible study, right? We are SO down with that. It will be so fun to pray for each other when we're done. We can also pray for all of the poor poor sinners. Especially the adulterers and fornicators.


Also, since you have so much land and are so remote, we figured it would be fun to bring our wide selection of firearms. We have handguns in several different calibers that would be fun for target shooting. Do you guys shoot? We love shooting! We shoot ALL the time. Just the other day I was telling my husband that if a crazy stranger suddenly tried to kill one of us, I bet the other could empty a whole clip in that whackadoo before he could even close the distance.


As for saunas, that is cool that you built one. We are not so into hot rooms though, so we'll just hang out in the regular house part of the cabin.


Let us know when to come!

Your Campin' Pal

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My husband and I used to travel with a friend who was a single woman. We all got along and she did not like to travel alone. She would sometimes share a room with us. We were friends, nothing weird ever went on, it was just a convenient way to travel.


I did this with a single friend and DH, and I've done this recently as the single woman. In Europe, we were mistaken for sister wives more than once. :confused: And we only have 3 children between the two of us! :lol:

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I just got around to reading the rest of these replies. I was laughing at many of them.

My DH shot them back an email and politely declined.

We just do not have a good feeling about this. And somehow, we do not want to be caught with our pants down,(pun intended) should we go and we were right.:lol:

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I just got around to reading the rest of these replies. I was laughing at many of them.

My DH shot them back an email and politely declined.

We just do not have a good feeling about this. And somehow, we do not want to be caught with our pants down,(pun intended) should we go and we were right.:lol:


But did he shoot back this email?


Reply email:


Hey camper pals,


Wow, 40 acres, huh? That is a lot. I bet that with all that nature around you can really feel the presence of God out there. In fact, I bet it just makes you want to start singing hymns. With that in mind, my husband and I were thinking that we could bring our guitar and some hymnal books for some outdoor worship with you guys! (Our God Is an Awesome God, yes He is.)


Since we'll be there on the weekend and missing church, we assume that you all do Bible study, right? We are SO down with that. It will be so fun to pray for each other when we're done. We can also pray for all of the poor poor sinners. Especially the adulterers and fornicators.


Also, since you have so much land and are so remote, we figured it would be fun to bring our wide selection of firearms. We have handguns in several different calibers that would be fun for target shooting. Do you guys shoot? We love shooting! We shoot ALL the time. Just the other day I was telling my husband that if a crazy stranger suddenly tried to kill one of us, I bet the other could empty a whole clip in that whackadoo before he could even close the distance.


As for saunas, that is cool that you built one. We are not so into hot rooms though, so we'll just hang out in the regular house part of the cabin.


Let us know when to come!

Your Campin' Pal


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