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On TV tonight...

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The GOP Presidential Primary debate will occur at 9 ET on Fox News. This could be a fun experience watching with your kids as you discuss the political process, bias, the media, if these type of televised events actually count as "debates," etc.


Debate will include:


Michele Bachmann

Herman Cain

Newt Gingrich

Jon Huntsman

Ron Paul

Tim Pawlenty

Mitt Romney

Rick Santorum

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Also, I wish everyone would get a chance to answer the same questions, instead of having each question targeted at a particular individual.


:iagree: It's a bit hard though with so many people in the debate. Do you know what the main topic is this time?

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I'm excited to watch it! I do hope they are fair with the questioning, but that may be too much to ask.


My kids and I watched the last one and I kept pausing the DVR and asking them what they thought. The 10yo and 8yo had the best comments - like "why didn't they answer the question?" and "Why did they say 'I' so many times?"

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Seeing Bachmann answer the submission question reminded me of this very forum!


Me too! I felt so bad for her. Even though she's not my ideal candidate, darn it, that was the stupidest question I've heard so far. And if it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't have understood that biblical "submission" means current-time "respect". And I'm guessing the guy who asked the question expected as much from the general public (but that he knew exactly what it meant when he decided to ask the question). I wonder why, with all the major issues to discuss, he didn't bother to ask all the male potential candidates if they would still respect their wives after they became president. :glare::glare:

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Seeing Bachmann answer the submission question reminded me of this very forum!


It made me feel like I've been in her precise shoes on this forum (and elsewhere). :tongue_smilie: But, I thought she responded with appropriate clarity and dignity. I hate that they asked those "targeted" questions, though and I love what Newt had to say about the questions.

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Me too! I felt so bad for her. Even though she's not my ideal candidate, darn it, that was the stupidest question I've heard so far. And if it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't have understood that biblical "submission" means current-time "respect". And I'm guessing the guy who asked the question expected as much from the general public (but that he knew exactly what it meant when he decided to ask the question). I wonder why, with all the major issues to discuss, he didn't bother to ask all the male potential candidates if they would still respect their wives after they became president. :glare::glare:


I think it is something a woman candidate needs to address but inappropriate during a debate. My FIL has said before he wouldn't vote for a woman, I made him tell that to dd's face and he later recanted :lol:


It is something a woman is going to have to state, not because it is valid, it isn't it is stupid. But there are a lot of people out there like my FIL who would want that question answered. (my FIL and I have never voted for the same candidate)


It is unfortunate and I don't think they should have presented that during a debate though. :(

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