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I would like to supplement Singapore Math 6A/B. Recommendations?

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We already include the IP exercises and CWPs. We are moving quickly through the lessons and she is doing pretty well. I'd like to slow it down a little bit and make sure she is really retaining everything that she is learning.


Does anyone have any suggestions on what I might add to SM so that she really has a thorough understanding of all this math?


Thank you!

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Are you looking for something somewhat similar (e.g. MM) or something very different? Extra practice in arithmetic (there are plenty of free worksheets around these days) or word problems? I'd be inclined to let her keep flying through the IP and CWP, give her the final exam when she finishes 6B, and let her move on to prealgebra afterward.


I might be combining MM 6 and Russian Math 6. I haven't quite decided yet - I love them both. My current not-well-thought-out-plan is to do some pieces of MM 6 and then do RM. RM's a bit closer to prealgebra and there are a few folks who have used it sucessfully for that, though I'm planning on prealgebra after RM (probably Dolciani rather than AoPS but I'm not sure). Whatever we're doing, I need to decide, because dd will be ready to start MM 6 in a few weeks.


If all you want is a check on understanding, I'd do chapter tests, with a little time in between finishing the chapter and the test.

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Singapore is our primary program and my dd will be doing 6A, 6B, and CWP 6 this year. In addition to this, we use Horizons for continual review. I cross out some problems in each Horizons lesson to just focus on areas I want her to hit and to keep it from being too long. After most Singapore chapters, dd will take a break with a section of LoF Decimals in place of the Singapore for about a week. Last year she did LoF Fractions and she enjoyed the breaks from Singapore. And it's just interesting to try things from a different angle sometimes.

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I like the looks of Russian Math 6! I never heard of it before. I think this will be a great addition to our current curriculum.


I guess if I really think about it some more, DD seems to have a good grasp of what she is currently learning. She's happy and all, but adding the chapter tests might not be a bad idea either. I forgot about those!


DD is only 9. We just started the SM 6A in July, and she is already half way through the book. Can she really be a whiz at math? I'm not sure. The funny thing is that math is her least favorite subject.... all she wants to do is to get her school work done so she can go to her ballet classes!


Thank you for your suggestions!

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Hi Ali,


Since my child does not care for math, I actually tried one of the LoF books a while back hoping that it would make math more "fun" for her. She didn't care for it. She told me, "Mom, math is a serious subject. This is not."


That's my DD.


In the meantime, I will have to look into Horizons. I've heard great things about that program.


Thanks for your help!

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We already include the IP exercises and CWPs. We are moving quickly through the lessons and she is doing pretty well. I'd like to slow it down a little bit and make sure she is really retaining everything that she is learning.



If she is doing the regular workbook plus IP and CWP, she should retain whatever she is learning. If you are still not sure, you can "layer" the books. For example, instead of doing all books for 6A, just do workbook and IP, save CWP's 6A portion after you finish 6A but before you start 6B.


If you are concerned about her age and the rate of her math progression, you can have a gap year after 6A/B (by using a completely different math book to switch gear, or by exploring some interesting math topics) instead of adding supplement now to slow her down. Someone has already suggested AoPS pre-algebra and Russian Math, but if I were you, I'd let dd finish Singapore math at her own pace before using any of these books only because math is her least favorite subject. My 2 cents.:001_smile:

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