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miquon - how many lessons per week?


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You can use it as your main program or as a supplement. We are using it as a supplement and we use it 2-3 times per week. That works well for us. DS5 usually does 2 worksheets each time, but we are in the orange book so that might change later. He does play with the C-rods a lot more than that though!

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It's not meant to be scheduled. You do a lesson, and if the child gets it you take it further. If she doesn't get it, you either switch to another topic for a while or try it again (make up your own labsheets at times). That makes it completely impossible to plan, predict, etc...


You could plan it, but then you'd lose part of what makes Miquon...Miquon. I plan *maybe* 2-3 weeks ahead in Miquon, and even that gets tweaked as real life happens.

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So, we totally do not use Miquon as intended. RightStart is our main math program but most of the problems in it are so straightforward that I use Miquon as extra practice that requires more out-of-the-box thinking.


DS does about two pages a day while I do breakfast dishes. We skipped orange and started Red after he had finished half of RS B.



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Miquon is our main math program at this point. I don't plan on a short term basis with Miquon. We just go along at the kids' own rate.


I do have a general long-term plan, which is to finished all 6 books by the end of third grade. We went through the Orange book and half of the Red book last year with my kindergartener. He came out of the year with a solid understanding of addition, subtraction, mulitiplication, fractions, and telling time. Best of all, he LOVES math and thinks he is great at it.

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It's not meant to be scheduled. You do a lesson, and if the child gets it you take it further. If she doesn't get it, you either switch to another topic for a while or try it again (make up your own labsheets at times). That makes it completely impossible to plan, predict, etc...


You could plan it, but then you'd lose part of what makes Miquon...Miquon. I plan *maybe* 2-3 weeks ahead in Miquon, and even that gets tweaked as real life happens.



:iagree: I say that DS5 does 2 worksheets a day when we do it, but I tear out worksheets from throughout the book (that he could handle doing) and he chooses what he wants to do each time we do it. Sometimes you can sense a theme (DS is really into measuring right now). It was terrifying at first to tear out pages and just go with the flow, but it is really awesome once you get used to it. If you aren't Type A like me, it might be easier for you! I would highly suggest getting all 3 of the teacher helps as well. It really lays out how to use the program most effectively!

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:iagree: I say that DS5 does 2 worksheets a day when we do it, but I tear out worksheets from throughout the book (that he could handle doing) and he chooses what he wants to do each time we do it. Sometimes you can sense a theme (DS is really into measuring right now). It was terrifying at first to tear out pages and just go with the flow, but it is really awesome once you get used to it. If you aren't Type A like me, it might be easier for you! I would highly suggest getting all 3 of the teacher helps as well. It really lays out how to use the program most effectively!



Tearing out the pages and giving the dc a choice is a good way to assess what they know. I have one dc will skip things that she doesn't know with 99.9% accuracy. If she skips it, I need to fill a hole somewhere. I then make a plan to teach the missing link, and she finishes off that page...and on to the next...


fwiw - I do this with other materials, not just Miquon labsheets. Once you get into the groove, you can "Miquon-ize" lots of things...hence my full math shelves...:tongue_smilie:

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Tearing out the pages and giving the dc a choice is a good way to assess what they know. I have one dc will skip things that she doesn't know with 99.9% accuracy. If she skips it, I need to fill a hole somewhere. I then make a plan to teach the missing link, and she finishes off that page...and on to the next...


fwiw - I do this with other materials, not just Miquon labsheets. Once you get into the groove, you can "Miquon-ize" lots of things...hence my full math shelves...:tongue_smilie:



So smart! I am going to start doing that!!!!!!!!

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Subbing for ideas. I got Miquon to use for afterschooling my 5 YO (she'll use Saxon in school) but I haven't been able to motivate myself to start her on it. It's requires too much...figuring it out on my part I guess.


This program couldn't be easier, especially as an afterschooler myself. It doesn't look like the boring math books out there. I got the Miquon books as a supplement when my now 7yo was in Pre-K/K. At first glance it looks odd - no instructions on the pages, but after a few minutes looking at the lab notes you are ready to go. Plus, both my kids love playing with Cuisinaire rods. Just try out the first few pages and see how it goes. We do a few pages about two times per week.

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Subbing for ideas. I got Miquon to use for afterschooling my 5 YO (she'll use Saxon in school) but I haven't been able to motivate myself to start her on it. It's requires too much...figuring it out on my part I guess.


I was going to afterschool and we got Miquon because our public school uses Cuisenaire rods, but we decided she was too young to start at school.


I was afraid I'd never actually use Miquon because I'm not much of a planner and need help with motivation. Do you have the First Grade Diary? So far that is helping me. Again, just starting with no stories of long-term success. But I'm really happy with Miquon.

Edited by Clairelise
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