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WW and willpower

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Hi all! I am so frustrated with myself and just need to vent to someone. I know I am safe with you guys :). Maybe those trying to lose weight or who are on WW can help.


I joined WW in the middle of June. I've only lost a couple of pounds. Honestly, it is not the plan that isn't working. It is me!!! I have NO willpower. I am so frustrated. I want to do this so badly, but I am not succeeding. My engagement ring doesn't fit anymore and I refuse to get it sized, I hate being in a bathing suit, and I want to lose 30 pounds before our trip to Disney in Dec so that I'm not big in the pictures. Most of all, I want to be healthy for me and my family. Just last week I promised myself that if I had good results from my yearly physical (with bloodwork, EKG, etc), I would stick to the plan and not squander the blessing I had been given. Well, I had a great physical and I still didn't stick to the plan (I did for one day, but that is it). I am exercising now most everyday, but I'm an emotional eater and I have a lot on my plate right now (who doesn't on here right :D) so I do good in the morning and then give in for the afternoon and dinner.


I know I'm rambling. Sorry for that! I just needed to get it out.


Does anyone have any suggestions at all for finding willpower to do this? I don't want it to be a health scare that causes me to finally do it. I want to do it now.

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WW was hard for me. I needed more accountability then there meetings so I signed up for




It's free.


you enter everything you eat and all calories you burn and it tells you how you did for the day calorie wise.


Doing this I have lost weight. If I know I have to enter what I eat.....i don't eat it unless it's part of my meal.

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Are you using etools to track? Seeing the food on the computer and the graph that shows my progress helps me to stay on track. The fact that I'm knocking on 40, knowing that it is harder to loose as I get older sobers up my willpower to stay on track as well.


I first went to WW 8 years ago after having all my kids and I was the most successful the first time I went. I lost around 25 pounds total.


I've gone to WW and started over more times than I can remember with short lived results. Again b/c of my age I am more determined than ever to put this weight issue behind me. I am ready to be a hot mama!:tongue_smilie:


OBTW... I was very frustrated this morning with my puppy who I've been up with every night this week b/c he's been sick. I was thinking about having some alone time at Panera with a Cinnamon Bagel and one of those fattening coffee drinks. I saw your post and it encouraged me to stay on track. It is an everyday decision to do what you got to do for your health and wellness.


Hang in there. You can do this!

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WW was hard for me. I needed more accountability then there meetings so I signed up for




It's free.


you enter everything you eat and all calories you burn and it tells you how you did for the day calorie wise.


Doing this I have lost weight. If I know I have to enter what I eat.....i don't eat it unless it's part of my meal.


I do the same thing, though with the Loseit! app. It really makes me think about what I'm eating and I hate seeing my calorie tab go into to the red zone (over my calories for the day).

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Hi all! I am so frustrated with myself and just need to vent to someone. I know I am safe with you guys :). Maybe those trying to lose weight or who are on WW can help.


I joined WW in the middle of June. I've only lost a couple of pounds. Honestly, it is not the plan that isn't working. It is me!!! I have NO willpower. I am so frustrated. I want to do this so badly, but I am not succeeding. My engagement ring doesn't fit anymore and I refuse to get it sized, I hate being in a bathing suit, and I want to lose 30 pounds before our trip to Disney in Dec so that I'm not big in the pictures. Most of all, I want to be healthy for me and my family. Just last week I promised myself that if I had good results from my yearly physical (with bloodwork, EKG, etc), I would stick to the plan and not squander the blessing I had been given. Well, I had a great physical and I still didn't stick to the plan (I did for one day, but that is it). I am exercising now most everyday, but I'm an emotional eater and I have a lot on my plate right now (who doesn't on here right :D) so I do good in the morning and then give in for the afternoon and dinner.


I know I'm rambling. Sorry for that! I just needed to get it out.


Does anyone have any suggestions at all for finding willpower to do this? I don't want it to be a health scare that causes me to finally do it. I want to do it now.


We sound so similar. I joined in late December and although I've lost about 15 lbs., I haven't lost much since about April. My wedding ring doesn't fit anymore. Bathing suits are not an option. And I wanted to lose another 15 before a Disneyland trip in December. I have a whole lot more to lose, but I thought that was a reasonable goal. My mother and both of her parents died in their 50's, so yes, I really want to do this for health reasons. I start off great in the morning, but late afternoons before dh gets off for dinner are my hunger time. Add to that emotional issues or stress and I'm eating again.


I'm not sure having a "twin" like me is a help, but I can certainly relate. It helps to have support, write down what you're eating (even if it is "bad"), and drink your water. I've found that exercise is essential but you really can't lose the weight without changing your eating habits. My best to you on your weight loss journey.

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WW was hard for me. I needed more accountability then there meetings so I signed up for




It's free.


you enter everything you eat and all calories you burn and it tells you how you did for the day calorie wise.


Doing this I have lost weight. If I know I have to enter what I eat.....i don't eat it unless it's part of my meal.


Thanks! I will look into this. Same for the loseit.com site another poster mentioned.


Are you using etools to track? Seeing the food on the computer and the graph that shows my progress helps me to stay on track. The fact that I'm knocking on 40, knowing that it is harder to loose as I get older sobers up my willpower to stay on track as well.


I first went to WW 8 years ago after having all my kids and I was the most successful the first time I went. I lost around 25 pounds total.


I've gone to WW and started over more times than I can remember with short lived results. Again b/c of my age I am more determined than ever to put this weight issue behind me. I am ready to be a hot mama!:tongue_smilie:


OBTW... I was very frustrated this morning with my puppy who I've been up with every night this week b/c he's been sick. I was thinking about having some alone time at Panera with a Cinnamon Bagel and one of those fattening coffee drinks. I saw your post and it encouraged me to stay on track. It is an everyday decision to do what you got to do for your health and wellness.


Hang in there. You can do this!


I just turned 44 so I hear ya. I wrote down everything the first 2 weeks I was on WW. That is when I lost weight. Then I went to the hand held calculator and stopped writing down. I also didn't put everything in the calculator that I should have :tongue_smilie:. I started writing down everything again yesterday and I stayed within my points. I also ate pretty healthy. We moved and didn't have internet for a while. I just went into the WW on-line site and will start using that to track I think. Glad I could help :D.



We sound so similar. I joined in late December and although I've lost about 15 lbs., I haven't lost much since about April. My wedding ring doesn't fit anymore. Bathing suits are not an option. And I wanted to lose another 15 before a Disneyland trip in December. I have a whole lot more to lose, but I thought that was a reasonable goal. My mother and both of her parents died in their 50's, so yes, I really want to do this for health reasons. I start off great in the morning, but late afternoons before dh gets off for dinner are my hunger time. Add to that emotional issues or stress and I'm eating again.


I'm not sure having a "twin" like me is a help, but I can certainly relate. It helps to have support, write down what you're eating (even if it is "bad"), and drink your water. I've found that exercise is essential but you really can't lose the weight without changing your eating habits. My best to you on your weight loss journey.


Wow, we are twins :001_smile:. I know we can do it. I made it through yesterday and am strarting again today. Taking it a day at a time. I've already cut out my yummy creamer in my morning coffee for 2 days straight. We are going to a birthday lunch on Sat and I've already been to the restaurants site and picked out my meal ahead of time. I think tracking is going to help. I am quitting WW next week if I don't stay on the plan this week. It's not about the plan because there is so much we can eat and eat very healthy, but if I don't have the willpower for one week, I'm done.


Thanks so much ladies for responding!

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Hi all! I am so frustrated with myself and just need to vent to someone. I know I am safe with you guys :). Maybe those trying to lose weight or who are on WW can help.


I joined WW in the middle of June. I've only lost a couple of pounds. Honestly, it is not the plan that isn't working. It is me!!! I have NO willpower. I am so frustrated. I want to do this so badly, but I am not succeeding. My engagement ring doesn't fit anymore and I refuse to get it sized, I hate being in a bathing suit, and I want to lose 30 pounds before our trip to Disney in Dec so that I'm not big in the pictures. Most of all, I want to be healthy for me and my family. Just last week I promised myself that if I had good results from my yearly physical (with bloodwork, EKG, etc), I would stick to the plan and not squander the blessing I had been given. Well, I had a great physical and I still didn't stick to the plan (I did for one day, but that is it). I am exercising now most everyday, but I'm an emotional eater and I have a lot on my plate right now (who doesn't on here right :D) so I do good in the morning and then give in for the afternoon and dinner.


I know I'm rambling. Sorry for that! I just needed to get it out.


Does anyone have any suggestions at all for finding willpower to do this? I don't want it to be a health scare that causes me to finally do it. I want to do it now.


I get their 3 month book thingy that I record everything in daily, when the points are gone, I am done for the day, period.

I love my Wii Fit and Wii Exerbeat, very motivating and fun. I finally reached a point where I officially loathed myself and started getting serious.

You can do it, really you can.


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If I'm going to lose weight on WW, I have to track. Absolutely, positively, have to track. I haven't been doing it lately and I can see the difference on the scale.


Are you going to the meetings? Sometimes I don't want to go if I know I've gained, but I'm always glad I did. They can help refocus you.


I met a woman at WW who has lost over 80 pounds. She said she went through a 5 month period where she only lost 5 pounds. However, she didn't give up and kept coming and now she's reached her goal and is on maintenance. She is my inspiration!


Don't give up. Just keep on trying and it will happen for you.

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Thanks again for the wonderful encouragement. I have tracked EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth for 2 days now. I have not gone over my allowed points (am doing all 29 a day though) and I have not gone into my extra weekly points. I'm exercising, but am not adding those 1-3 points back in. I had better see some results come next Tuesday if I can stick with it. It's really not that hard. I just need to go for the fruits and veggies when I need a snack and not the boys' cookies :-). I've increased my water intake. Good for me, but bad for outings as I'm heading to the bathroom more often. Lots of fun with the boys in tow -- LOL.


Good luck to each of you with your weight loss journey.

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