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Does this sound like a food allergy?

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Really?? I never heard of that.



I had never heard of that before it happened to dd either. I was a little panicked when she was still breaking out three days after the initial episode, and that's when my dr explained how it works. It felt like she would never stop with the hives.

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I don't want to hijack the thread, but are the Triaminic melting strips the same medication and dosage as in Benadryl? It is so much easier for my dd to carry the Benadryl melting strips, but she has to carrry regular Benadryl since they stopped making the strips. I just want to be sure the Triaminic ones are the same medication as Benadryl since she needs them immediately if she has an allergic reaction.


OP: I am sorry that your dd has had this reaction, but it will be okay. Once you know what she is allergic to you can start making adjustments. It can be scary, but once you know what causes the problem and are prepared to handle it if she has another reaction, you will be able to relax a little.

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I just posted to your BHT thread and came looking for this one.


Yes it sounds like a food allergy and I WOULD NOT LEAVE the allergist's office without an epi-pen. That sounds like that got bad in a hurry. As the parent of a kid who has had anaphylactic reactions, sometimes you cannot get Benadryl down a kid fast enough.


I wouldn't jump on the BHT bandwagon as "the thing" just yet, but I would have testing done for the ingredients as there aren't a whole long list in shredded wheat. Be sure to test for milk as well....and to call Post to see if it is made on the same line as any other product. The cross-contamination thing happens more often than you would think.


Should I go ahead and call the manufacturers and ask about cross contamination before we go to the allergist? I think that does sound like a good idea.

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Okay, I called Kellogg's. The woman I talked to said that it isn't possible that there is cross-contamination with any top food allergens. But the cereal is made in the same area as the nut containing cereals are made. The lines are clean "thoroughly" between cereals though.


I don't know. I seem to be confusing myself more and more, lol. I guess I really need to CHILL until we see the doctor.

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You might be interested in this video..


Explains how our food supply has changed in the past 15 years and why our children are so much more allergic than we were when we were kids.


Thanks for posting this!!!!


I had never heard of Robyn O'Brien before, but I just ordered her book on Amazon.com after watching the video!

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I'd have them test for nut allergies as well. :grouphug:


I've put three kids and myself through allergy testing now. It's really not that bad.


My middle dd had allergy testing done a couple of weeks ago for environmental allergies. :(


Nakia I hope you guys find out what's up. I want to add about added DHA in milk. It's algae derived and can cause issues. Some people have linked autism to it via infant formula.


I hope we find out too. My head is spinning. I am so shaken. I wish I could be calm. I am calm on the outside, but my heart is racing and my head hurts. This is super stressful.

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