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HS my "advanced" 7 y/o? what to do?

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Hi all, I have been thinking about HS for 2 years now. My 6 y/o I really think I will do for sure, kinesthetic learner, cried last 3 months of kindergarten and "hates" school. My 7 y/o though has really taken off with her learning. She is a few grades ahead with reading and spelling, catches onto anything new very fast. She is very intense in all that she does. She loves to be a leader. She started a book club in first grade by herself. I think you get it. Problem is, if she gets bored, she is impossible to live with. We tried a private school for first grade last year, for one semester she lasted. She was so bored that she was going crazy and so were we. So we put her back in public school. Now, what to do with her this year. Do I HS her, or if she gets one of the best teachers in second grade at her ps should I send her there? I know third grade stinks at our ps, so I have to HS that year for sure. Also, should I test her to see where she is at? I just feel that this summer she is starting to really drive me crazy because she getting bored again.



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If you already know you're going to homeschool third grade, and if you're already going to homeschool your 6yo this year, personally, I don't see why not start homeschooling your 7yo now - she's already ahead, she's already bored with the work demands at school (creating her own book club, how cool is that to try to use her time productively at such a young age!) and you'll be able to meet her where she is in each subject and create a well rounded year that challenges her and keeps her interested.

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If you already know you're going to homeschool third grade, and if you're already going to homeschool your 6yo this year, personally, I don't see why not start homeschooling your 7yo now - she's already ahead, she's already bored with the work demands at school (creating her own book club, how cool is that to try to use her time productively at such a young age!) and you'll be able to meet her where she is in each subject and create a well rounded year that challenges her and keeps her interested.



If you're going to be HS one child, it will make your life a whole lot easier not to have to work around the other's PS schedule. Everybody I know who HS some of their kids and send another to PS complains about this.

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One of the many benefits of HS is schedule flexibility.


You will lose that if you only school one and have a second grader in PS, because you have to watch bus times, concert times, conference times, etc all year long! Plus, if she is advanced, you lose the chance for a year to let her be creative and work at her own level on things, up or down in any given subject. That is what I missed out on with my son by leaving him in PS until midway through 4th grade!

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Yes, I am now really planning on homeschooling her. She is my more "social child" and I think she is afraid she will miss out on some of that. There is also a lot of "social" things at school I know she would love to miss though too (bullying, girls being cliquey (sp) )


Thanks all!

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