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Bookshelves--is there a way to make shelves look like built-in, but removeable later?

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Without totally damaging the walls, I mean? :D


It can't be that complicated to get some shelving put up in this rental house we have. Tons of wall space and my books are itching to be displayed! lol I'd like to build some shelves that will use the walls as the back of the "bookcase", just like built-in shelving, but I want to be able to take them down whenever we move out. Our landlord is pretty easy going, so I will ask him first, but I'm wondering what options I have.


I do not live near Ikea. LOL Otherwise, this post would not exist.

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I think with a chop saw and/or table saw you could make some pretty easy out of lumber from the hardware store and then secure them to the wall with a few L brackets on top. And paint or stain to your liking. I recommend L brackets for all tall shelving anywhere. If you don't have a saw, if you go to a 'local' lumber yard/hardware store and ask, they might be able to cut the wood for you. Then you would just have to drill holes and screw together.

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Shoot. There goes my answer.


We have Ikea shelves in our MBR, that look like built-ins. They are sooo wonderful. I designed a set that has two large shelves in the middle, flanked by two of lesser depth. (sorry, can't draw on a computer screen) Looks fantastic, and helps immeasurably.


What about board/bracket shelves which you then "frame" with painted-to-match boards directly touching the edges? (or -- better -- painted-to-contrast)


I do not live near Ikea. LOL Otherwise, this post would not exist.

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How much are you able and/or willing to spend? I'd be tempted to do something like this:




Or this:




Basically I'd look for some sort of wall unit shelving. You might have luck looking on Craigslist, at used furniture stores, etc.

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You've already gotten some great ideas, but I'll share a few things that have worked for us. One time we built two high bookshelves and a lower middle one (to allow for a window) to cover a whole wall, and lots of people asked us if they were built in. Today, 15 years and two houses later, all of the pieces are still in use in different places around our house. If you build stand-alone bookshelves and paint the back inside the same color as your wall, they will "look" more built-in.

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