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Do you take a break in your day?

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YES!!! Does that answer your question? :) I do take a nap each day---yes, I said I take a nap. It is usually from either 1-2 or 1-3 depending on how much sleep I need. I don't feel guilty either because I know that it helps me not be as grumpy and gives me the recharge I need.


I also take a break in the evening after supper is done and all is cleaned up. I sit in front of the tv and watch to my hearts content and no I don't feel guilty for that either. I usually have school work I am grading or scheduling while I am watching tv so I am multi-tasking as well. I feel that I get alot done in a day and just what the Lord wants me to do.

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Take breaks from what? Schooling the kids? Or just everything? I take breaks from schooling the kids and I usually do household chores, check my email, etc.


I also take a "lunch break" for about 45 minutes where I do whatever I want. Usually it is veg out in front of the computer, editing photos, reading blogs, coming to this board, etc. Occasionally I will read a book during this time. I have my lunch after the kids are finished with theirs so that I can have this time for myself and they can go play.

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Yes, I take lots of little breaks to just sit and drink tea usually and stare out the window.


I was never good at multi-tasking so I don't even attempt to do that anymore. I seriously sit in one place and think about what my next few projects are, drink my tea, and then pop back up and get after it. It took me a long time to figure out this was my most efficient method - working full tilt in spurts broken up by tiny breaks. Occasionally I skip the beverage and just lay flat on my back in the middle of the floor and rest and breathe deeply, but that's usually because my back hurts that day. Even when I did factory work I used break time to lay flat for a few minutes. The smokers smoked, I laid down, and we all chatted away.


I envy any nap-takers. My mom was one, and so is another relative. I've seen them stop abruptly at the appointed time, go lay down and start snoring, and pop back up 30 minutes later fully refreshed. I'd never feel guilty if I could sleep for a short time like that.

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Are you kidding? A recent trip to the cardiologist and a resulting prescription for beta blockers means I take breaks in the middle of my breaks. Seriously, my chosen "break" activity might be reading a book or browsing a favorite blog, and I have to stop doing that and go take a nap instead. :glare:


It's a humbling experience for a chronic type-A multitasking overachiever.

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The day in general? Yes, I take lots of breaks. I don't like to work too hard for too long at most anything.


YES!!! Does that answer your question? :) I do take a nap each day---yes, I said I take a nap. It is usually from either 1-2 or 1-3 depending on how much sleep I need. I don't feel guilty either because I know that it helps me not be as grumpy and gives me the recharge I need.


I also take a break in the evening after supper is done and all is cleaned up. I sit in front of the tv and watch to my hearts content and no I don't feel guilty for that either. I usually have school work I am grading or scheduling while I am watching tv so I am multi-tasking as well. I feel that I get alot done in a day and just what the Lord wants me to do.


This is me. We have quiet/nap time after lunch. It imperative for me to recharge.


I also take little breaks from various activities (school, etc) during the day. Sometimes, I make a cup of tea and hop to the boards for a moment. Sometimes, it's sitting at the picnic table with my phone for a few minutes before I hang or take down the laundry.


We have a terrible backlog since I was dealing with hard core chronic fatigue this winter/spring (and lower grade for God knows how long before), but I'm making progress. I wouldn't get nearly the same amount done if I didn't take a break.


My Amish friend has 8 kids and a farm and everything she does takes her longer and more physical effort than it takes me. And she always, ALWAYS, has time to sit and visit. (she takes naps too)

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