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Confused about narration..


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When I have my children narrate something back to me, do I have them write it down. Or do I write it down?


Like, we're doing these narration worksheets to accompany SOTW1 and I've been having them narrate what I just read and I write it down on the paper and put it into their history binder. But I noticed that the lines on the paper are the big primary lines. Does that mean they should be writing it down and not me?


I'm confused :confused:

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If I remember correctly, TWTM suggest having the child write if he/she is able. Otherwise they narrate to you and you write it while having the child watch. This models proper writing and also keeps a record of their narration without asking them to do something beyond their level. As they get older, you might transition to having them write it themselves.

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For your kids' ages, I would write the narration for them. They should write the copywork and dictation :tongue_smilie:.


There are some great audio lectures in the PHP online store that talk about how to teach writing a la TWTM.

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At your kids' ages, you write it down. You're using WWE for writing? I follow whatever we're doing in WWE.


I highly recommend listening to SWB's lecture on teaching writing in the elementary years, if you haven't already. :)


For your kids' ages, I would write the narration for them. They should write the copywork and dictation :tongue_smilie:.


There are some great audio lectures in the PHP online store that talk about how to teach writing a la TWTM.


Does anyone have a link? I'm very interested in listening to these. :bigear:

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My understanding is, for writing there are two processes that need to be learned separately:


1. How to put an idea into words

2. How to take dictated words and physically write them down


At first, you write the narrations as they gather their thoughts and dictate to you (#1.). Here, they have to come up with the idea but don't have to worry about writing it down.


In the meantime, you're dictating passages to them in the writing course to work on #2. Here, they're writing ideas down but don't have to worry about thinking them up.


That's what I've gathered, anyway!

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For your kids' ages, I would write the narration for them.


Wanted to add, though, I have shared a narration page for SOTW1 at my blog. It features 2 sections on one page so you don't need to waste paper. There's a very small box for a picture if your kiddo wants to add a drawing, or if you want to print a picture to stick in the box.

Works for us!

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Wanted to add, though, I have shared a narration page for SOTW1 at my blog. It features 2 sections on one page so you don't need to waste paper. There's a very small box for a picture if your kiddo wants to add a drawing, or if you want to print a picture to stick in the box.

Works for us!


That's wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing that.:001_smile:

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For oldest DS(7), we sit down and talk through what he wants to write, and I'll write the first couple of sentences for him. He usually does a couple more himself. My plan is to move it to just writing the opening sentence for him, and then not write it at all. But I will still help him form his thoughts into sentences, if he needs it. This is our first year homeschooling, so this is something that is totally new for him, as much as it is for my 5yo.

For DS(5) I write it all for him. Honestly, he has a hard enough time with narrations as it is, and he is still working on writing well. I only have him do 1 history narration and 1 science narration per week. Other than that we just kind of talk about it or I ask him some questions. :001_smile:

Anyway, that's how we do it.

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