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So how do you feel about extended family following you on a message board?

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As long as dh doesn't show up and get too sociable, I'll be fine. I don't want to have online arguments where other people can see! I don't want to have an internet relationship with someone I live with at all, but especially not with him. He likes to play devil's advocate and rile me up!


My brother made an account here, but either found what he was looking for without posting or got side tracked away from the project he was pondering. I wouldn't mind him posting. I'd get a laugh out of it. :tongue_smilie:



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I think it would depend on who it was. I try to be pretty transparent here and irl. If it was my mom or sister etc well they already know most of what I am posting on here, including what I am thinking about them when I post a vent (I am not very good at holding my tongue). If it was a cousin or something that I don't talk to very often or if it was my ex-il's I would be ticked. I don't even care if my XH sees most of what I post here (maybe then he'd get a clue about what I deal with), but certain relations would give me a serious ick factor to them searching for my online and reading my posts.

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I'm quite transparent here also - very transparent actually. Everyone can see my avatar and see my real name. I don't mind that at all. I'm a very open person by nature.

Yet, I seldom post things of an interpersonal nature.

I am considering changing my profile and my user name completely, etc. I don't know if that's even allowed. Not to have multiple accounts. To close this one and start another. This is not something I'd like to do at all. I just think, "what if"?

I feel much more open here than on FB. I cannot, for the life of me, stand FB. I hate they layout. I hate everything about it actually. I am only still on it to keep tabs on my dc and to stay in touch with a few friends. That's it.

I love these boards.

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:iagree:I was thinking the same thing...


Ditto. I know that I have posted enough information about my life that someone could probably knock on my front door if they wanted to. Of course, I would think they were the weird one if they did but it wouldn't bother me terribly to think that someone may recognize me in public somewhere.

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