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So disappointed!

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Just venting.


I've been on Weight Watchers twice before, and each time I lost just over 20 lbs. Yes, it's the same weight, I'm a yo-yo. So I decided to do it again and my first week is finished. It was so hard to get back into a healthy routine. I ate my required daily points every day and used only some of my weekly points. I lost a grand total of 1 lb. ONE. Really? The other times, I lost 3 and 4 lbs. I know I shouldn't compare, but ONE? Really? I usually stuff my face every night, especially because I stay up until about 3:00am. I've done really well in controlling my snacking. I've reduced my milk intake from 36 oz. daily to 4 oz. I've given up soda. I increased my water intake from 0 to 64 oz. And I lost only ONE pound? Ugh! This next week is going to be more difficult than the first because in my head I just keep repeating that this isn't worth it. I don't mind losing only 1 lb. a week once I'm on program, but my first week? :sad: What a crappy start and sucky motivation to continue.

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I started WW (again) last spring. My first week was so-so - 2 lbs, but like you, I remembered the glory days of losing 5 or so the first week of any new diet, so 2 lbs wasn't exactly thrilling. My second week was only 1 lb, and I was really annoyed and pretty much where you are now.


It did get better. I now tend to lose a little, and a little, and then do what I call a "weight dump" about once a month where I inexplicably drop 3-4 pounds in a week, despite doing nothing differently that week. But there's no getting around the fact that it's much harder this time (at 41) than it's ever been before. In a way though, I'm wondering if that's maybe for the best - if maybe the fact that it's harder will encourage me to keep it off this time rather than just enjoying a healthy weight for a while and then putting it all back on (plus a few...) after a few months, years, or whatever. Maybe it needs to be harder for me to take it seriously.


And I'm not saying this is your problem at all, but I do think it's normal for it to get harder to lose weight the older we get. I hope you'll hang in there for a while longer; I haven't lost two pounds per week, but I've averaged almost that and dropped 2 sizes since last spring. WW does work; it just works a bit differently (for me anyway) than it used to :).


Good luck to you!



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I believe that as you are losing weight, your body holds on to more water. That is part of what makes the scale so frustrating.


Then one day, I will be more hungry than usual. I think of that as my body's last ditch effort to keep from losing the weight. The next morning, I will experience the "weight dump" that a pp spoke of.

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Have you been reading my posts about my issues with the dieting these past two weeks?


I still haven't lost anything. I'm still after two weeks bouncing between 175 and 178. BUT - my jeans weren't quite so hard to get on.


Take heart. You'll get where you want to be. Maybe a bit slower than you want to, but it will happen.

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It is worth it.


You lost a pound! That's good!


I understand the frustration, though. I am avoiding the scale right now because I don't want to see no weight loss. I am hoping that if I wait two weeks before weighing then there will be enough loss to be encouraging.

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