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How to create a good, low carb meal plan?

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I am really trying to get into shape and eat a lot healthier to keep myself going. I don't like eating a lot of junk food and I am trying to cut out all kinds of junk food that I used to eat. I have cut out a lot of red meat and I have started eating a lot of wheat crackers, fruit, cheese, yogurt, diet cereals, vegetables, and whole wheat toast. So far I feel really good about my diet change, but I want to drop some weight off my legs and stomach. I don't wear any bikinis or short-shorts (my mom and dad would ground me for life!) and personally I don't like them, they draw the "wrong' kind of attention to your body. But even though I don't, I still want to be really fit.


So I started a workout routine a few months ago of walking and biking everyday, if it's too hot I bike, but if it gets cooler I go at a really fast pace walking with my dog. I will eventually get to jogging again (I injured my leg and I am trying to let it heal properly). But I really don't seem to be seeing any results? I want to drop from 133 lbs to 125lbs, but I don't seem to be losing weight. Are there any good workouts I can do at home?



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Eat more salad! More and more salad! Become the Queen of the Salad Dressing Cocktails, so you don't get bored of them!


And try making tabboleh with raw cauliflower. Stick it in the blender until it is reduced to crumbs, then pour a vinegarette over it and leave it to sit while you chop up whatever else you are going to put in there. Usually if I don't eat grains for dinner, I'll wake up at 3am and go prowling through the pantry, but that doesn't happen if I eat this. Or it hasn't happened either of the times I've made it. Twice doesn't make for a rigorous scientific experiment, but hey. :tongue_smilie:



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I just try to make sure half my plate is filled with veggies. And I have to have more veggies before I have more of anything else. For a snack I have a cheese stick or veggies or fruit.


I try not to only drink calorie free (water, tea, coffee) and certainly no sugar. I drink my coffee only with a dash of milk these days. If I am feeling very dedicated I uses sugar free almond milk in my coffee.


I do have grains on occasion but I measure it out. I have half a cup of brown rice along with my veggies and beans.

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How tall are you? Do you have a larger boned structure or smaller??? Basically, is your goal realistic?


I recommend tossing the scale. Go by how your clothes fit / the tape measure. I'd also recommend some weight training to tone up. No worries, you don't have the genetics to look like Arnold! For starting out, I loved this book. It has a bunch of different exercises and you'll only need some dumbbells.


If you want to go all out (and your parents approve), you might try P90X. It's whole point is to get your body beach ready. It does take an hour a day, six days a week.

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How tall are you? Do you have a larger boned structure or smaller??? Basically, is your goal realistic?


I recommend tossing the scale. Go by how your clothes fit / the tape measure. I'd also recommend some weight training to tone up. No worries, you don't have the genetics to look like Arnold! For starting out, I loved this book. It has a bunch of different exercises and you'll only need some dumbbells.


If you want to go all out (and your parents approve), you might try P90X. It's whole point is to get your body beach ready. It does take an hour a day, six days a week.


I am 5'4" and I do have a larger boned structure, I have more of an athletes body from what my friends say and I truly do. My body was made to take a lot of injuries and I am very athletic, which has helped maintain my weight and lose weight as well. This summer I went down two sizes! I can fit into jeans that I never fit into, so I am guessing my plan is working? I hope so, and I have heard of P90X, does it really work? Thank you for the book as well, you have given me a lot of great advice!:)

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Congrats on cutting out junk food! The next step is to reduce the processed sugar and fatty stuff..that's the cheese, crackers and yogurt all of which are ok in moderation but if you have them daily in addition to your main meals you need to count carefully or you'll end up with too much sugar and the wrong kind of fat in your diet while shorting yourself of several other nutrients or going over on calories.


It sounds like you've switched from red meat to cheese for protein. Are you including eggs, fish & other lean meats and beans?


One thing you can do is work with a nutritionist through your health insurance plan. This person can help you with the dietary needs that female teens have..you need to be careful with your protein, iron, calcium, Vitamin D and fat intake to keep growing properly. You can get some meal plans to start you out and see how all the nutrition planning works.


Exercise is generally 30 minutes a day to maintain your current weight, 2 hrs including warmup/cool down for weight loss, 5X week. You might consider some strength training as well as aerobic exercise. Have you educated yourself on aerobics...you know your optimal heart rate zone, etc? Lap swimming might work well for your leg injury, depending on what it is. The low cost way to swim in my area is a teen membership at the Y. I like low impact aerobics for home workouts on bad weather days...the public library has DVDs that you can borrow.


A lot of what you have mentioned I did not know about and I thank you for it, yes I am definitely eating a lot of eggs, beans, peanuts and a lot of other types of nuts as well. I have a pool and though it is not big, I use it a lot and I live 5 minutes away from the beach, so I go there with my friends to swim a lot as well.


Now I know why I might not be losing weight, but I am maintaining it instead. I only exercise for about an hour a day, (like extreme workout) and do ocassional walking and helping lift things around the house. But I am going to be looking into a lot of what you have mentioned and I can't wait to begin. Thank you all so much!:001_smile:

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