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Help...my bum is sliding down my legs..

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Yes squats. And see if you can find yourself a ballet DVD. I own one called "Elements: Ballet Conditioning" Yowzer. No wonder those ballerinas look so great. 60 mins of the slowest, hardest workout ever. My dh does it with me (he is a runner) and his legs are shaking after 15 mins.


Oh, and squats. And squats with weights.

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I fenced for years, and my backside was quite wonderful if I do say so myself! I've been out for a few years, and don't have time to get back into it so for now I just do the warm-ups and regular lunges.


Lots of lunges. I sometimes do them around the house, when going from one room to the next. My kids think I'm nuts, but one day gravity will come callin' and then they'll understand. And I guarantee they will then do lunges despite their own kid laughing and rolling eyes at them ;)

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This is the inevitable result of being in nursing school. It will accelerate after graduation........despite running around constantly during your shift and living only on really awful coffee and the odd piece of chocolate. It will get worse if you work night shift, no matter what exercises you do or how many salads you eat. Most of the nurses you meet will suffer from the same symptoms, except for the one or two who are skinny as a rail and only exist to 'prove the rule'. This is the true price you pay for being a nurse, and it is supposed to be a secret until after you pass your boards.




An old RN

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Um, there are 3 DVDs with six different workouts. Two variations of cardio, plus a quick 10 minute workout that includes a little of everything. One tummy/core workout (tummy tuck), one bum/hip/thigh specific workout (high & tight) and one overall sculpting workout. I love them all. Leandro (the instructor) is really fun. His Brazilian accent is quite pronounced, but I have no trouble understanding him. His enthusiasm and encouragement makes me smile. I LOVE the "High & Tight" workout. This man knows his stuff.


You also get a workout band, a great diet plan and some other written material.


I combine this workout with Beach Body's "Turbo Fire" which I also can't say enough about. Those are so much fun!!!



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