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What age for Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?


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Okay, now you have to tell us why :) In my own neck of the woods, I only hear good things about the Uncle Eric books. This is one of them, right? My hubby read one about economics (I forget the name), and he thought it was good. He told me that that book explained in much clearer terms what his university professors were trying to explain to him for two years (he has a BS in Business).

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I imagine Bill will say they are fringe propaganda. He doesn't believe in Austrian Economics.


Pretty much. I don't believe in Ayn Rand or Austrian Economics, or in subjecting children to fringe propaganda written by a professional conspiracy theorist.


Maybury, to his credit, does not hide the fact that he is out to indoctrinate children to his extremist world-view, he is proud of the fact and exclaims it in the introduction to his book.


The Uncle Eric books are pure propaganda.



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Okay, now you have to tell us why.


Whether or not I agree with a writer, I cannot stand a style of, for lack of a better term, simplified, sarcastic jingoism (I'm applying jingoism well beyond its standard meaning). Too much like talk radio in print. If I read something and I can hear the pounding of a fist on a podium behind it, I don't go on.

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