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Norway Terrorist NOT a Christian

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That line from the Koran has been quoted MANY, MANY times by people who self-identify as xian. Have ALL on this board written that? of course not. But it probably WAS "vicious verse-twisting" as you call it. There was just a much smaller group that was likely to object to it. :001_huh:
I don't doubt anything you say. I just don't understand how any of that is a defense for doing the same thing in the other direction. Both are obnoxious, bigoted, and dishonest acts.


Look at it through another lens. Imagine someone said to one of us, "Homeschooling is child abuse." And naturally, we object: to which this person counters, "I've heard several people who identify as homeschoolers say that putting my child in a 'government school' is child abuse. So, right back at you, sister."


Wouldn't we protest that the obnoxious actions of some homeschoolers somewhere on the internet are hardly a defense for equally obnoxious actions by non-homeschoolers? Wouldn't we suggest that, unless the interlocutor had heard us say such a thing, that this was an unwarranted as well as vicious attack? That "two wrongs don't make a right" is a bit of universal morality?

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Regardless of the horrible things this man did, I don't think it's anyone else's place to say whether he is or isn't a Christian. That would be between him and God, correct?


I understand the desire to deflect the attention of the media away from conservative Christianity in this case, but once you begin to decide another man's religion for him, where do you draw the line?


That's right, Mergath. No one can "say" another person is a Christian or Believer. Only G-d knows the "heart" of man. Only Jesus can save. One may not "look" Christian, but is saved. One may act/look saved and not be so. Kathleen is correct too in that when we know Christ, we have a "new" desire to think, live, act differently....more Christ-like.


Ultimately though M, I agree that one can not "say" only G-d!

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I don't doubt anything you say. I just don't understand how any of that is a defense for doing the same thing in the other direction. Both are obnoxious, bigoted, and dishonest acts.


Look at it through another lens. Imagine someone said to one of us, "Homeschooling is child abuse." And naturally, we object: to which this person counters, "I've heard several people who identify as homeschoolers say that putting my child in a 'government school' is child abuse. So, right back at you, sister."


Wouldn't we protest that the obnoxious actions of some homeschoolers somewhere on the internet are hardly a defense for equally obnoxious actions by non-homeschoolers? Wouldn't we suggest that, unless the interlocutor had heard us say such a thing, that this was an unwarranted as well as vicious attack? That "two wrongs don't make a right" is a bit of universal morality?


You make a very good point. I hope to hear from you the next time other religions are castigated on this board. I also hope you pipe up and defend others when the non-religious are counted amongst the unethical, immoral people.

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The same, I'm sure, could be said of most Islamic extremists who commit acts of terror: they aren't motivated by a deep or thoughtful understanding of Muslim theology and practice, but rather are attracted to Islam because they see it as an outlet for their anti-Western sentiments. They are more anti-West than pro-Islam, just like this man seems to have been more anti-Islam than pro-Christian.


If we're going to argue that this man wasn't really a Christian, then I think we have to say that Muslim terrorists aren't really Muslims.



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