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Conversations driving in the car

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So today while we were driving to visit my sister and family my oldest kids decided it was a prime time to bring up many topics of conversation. In that 30 minute drive we discussed creation vs evolution; LSD; cutting; huffing; depression; and premarital sex. :001_huh: They had tons of questions and my brain is still reeling.


We often talk in the car as we drive from place to place but I don't think I have ever been hit with so many different difficult topics all at once before. Part of it was because they just got back from bible camp last night and topics preached there were creation and purity and a couple girls(sisters) in dd's cabin were talking about how they used to cut and huff, and ds heard a little rhyme from someone else about LSD and they decided that all of these needed to be discussed at once.


Yikes, with them on the cusp of adolescence I know I have many many more of those conversations to come. I just hope I am ready for them all.

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5 minute drive he from the grocery store. The four of us in the van. This is when my youngest, a new 5 year old at the time asks, "Mom, why do you suc Daddy?".




After me and daddy being surprised, and asking ,"what???". My eldest better explained it, "Mommy, he means why do you sex daddy?"


Okay, that question we could answer easily. But according to my boys sex is something I do to daddy.

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Embrace the fact that they are talking to you about this stuff.



:iagree: But hopefully, they'll space those extra-challenging topics out a bit more for you in the future... ;) Sounds like it was a doozy.


But according to my boys sex is something I do to daddy.



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with teen boys I have conversations almost daily about everything in life, today's question how old we were when we lost our virginity:blush:

we had been discussing dating and our views on waiting till they were older (wishfully married), abstinence, bad choices, etc

I was honest with them and we had a great talk and then my youngest son was you should of told us before it explains so much about you

My teen years were not pretty and I always new I would share with them when they were old enough well today was the day.

But honestly the minute they hit adolescents the questions started one was round 12 and we were riding somewhere and he ask what oral s*x was cause he heard it on the radio

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So today while we were driving to visit my sister and family my oldest kids decided it was a prime time to bring up many topics of conversation. In that 30 minute drive we discussed creation vs evolution; LSD; cutting; huffing; depression; and premarital sex. :001_huh: They had tons of questions and my brain is still reeling.


We often talk in the car as we drive from place to place but I don't think I have ever been hit with so many different difficult topics all at once before. Part of it was because they just got back from bible camp last night and topics preached there were creation and purity and a couple girls(sisters) in dd's cabin were talking about how they used to cut and huff, and ds heard a little rhyme from someone else about LSD and they decided that all of these needed to be discussed at once.


Yikes, with them on the cusp of adolescence I know I have many many more of those conversations to come. I just hope I am ready for them all.



You deserve a few days without getting in the car! :D

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