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singapore math for 5th grader who has never done it?


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Is it doable and not too teacher intensive, particularly would like him to do the word pronlems. He has been in ps and I know basic math but not particularly good w explaining and terrible w word problems. Otherwise we would like to try math mammoth or saxon, but I was just at hs expo and so many raved about singapore word problems. Any suggestions or should I do combo, if so,, what would be good to do together? Thx so much.

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Is it doable and not too teacher intensive, particularly would like him to do the word pronlems. He has been in ps and I know basic math but not particularly good w explaining and terrible w word problems. Otherwise we would like to try math mammoth or saxon, but I was just at hs expo and so many raved about singapore word problems. Any suggestions or should I do combo, if so,, what would be good to do together? Thx so much.


Now keep in mind I use SM because I believe in the educational philosophy behind it. Part of why it works is because the teacher makes it work. I would say that unless your child is a wonder and a natural at math, it will be teacher intensive at first. I would also back up to 4A or so and go forward.


To say that you are not particularly good with explaining and terrible at word problems, would, to me, argue that YOU need SM as much as your son. Unless you intend to outsource or have a very motivated child who can do a program independently, I would encourage you to use SM to overcome your worries about your one abilities. If you don't want to, I would say SM isn't for you. This just my one person, homeschooled one child opinion.


HTH, and I'll be reading the other replies with :bigear:.

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I just started my (soon-to-be) 4th grader in Singapore this summer. I'm actually really happy I made the switch. She technically tested into 5a, but I wanted to start her in 3b because she had some gaps (measurement) that I wanted to make sure not to overlook and because I wanted her to get the idea of how Singapore math is presented. We'll just continue on with 4a because it's great, and I think the level is fine - neither too easy nor too hard. I haven't yet figured out how to use the IP or CWP though... For now, the textbook and workbook seem to be the perfect amount of work for one math-hating-kid.

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We are new to homeschooling and have started our kids (including two who just finished 4th grade) on Singapore Math. I really like the curriculum, but it has been very parent intensive. I am finding that my kids are not able to problem solve on their own (a fault of the public school curriculum?). We are only focusing on Singapore Math and English at the moment, hoping they start to develop a bit more independence as they go along.

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Lots of tears and sweat from my daughter when we started, and my husband would take her down to his office and make her do it when she refused for me, BUT she learned a lot even though she wouldn't admit it. We did 5A-6B (half way through 6B) in a year. I thought it was great and plan on going all the way through with my son. When he hits NEM level, I was just telling my husband today... that he'll be teaching. Very teacher intensive and great!! :)

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