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S/O of the "What one thing..." Q

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For me, it's laziness or lack of dedication to my goal(s). My "one thing" is to structure my open time better (which by definition means not wasting hours on the internet). It's by comparison harder to look ahead in my day and intentionally decide how I'm going to utilize my time than it is to just do the "must do" things and then fritter away the open time. Oftentimes, if I go do something, such as go over dh's office and work a while, I come home feeling like relaxing, saying I deserve to chill for a bit. Which may be true and okay and necessary for mental health, but I believe I ought to commit to "relaxing" only for a specific, intentional amount of time and then when that time is up, I need to go do my other tasks.

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Time. No time to exercise. No time to be alone as much as I need. Time has run out for me to have any more babies.


I remember when I was in my twenties a young friend telling me why she didn't devote as much time as I did to her career, she preferred spending time with her baby daughter, "You can always make more money" she told me, "you can never make more time". So true.


And now I'm wasting time on my computer, it seems.



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My one thing was getting rid of internet (and therefore television via streaming...)


What stops me is laziness and convenience.


:iagree: In fairness, though, we went with internet because it was so inconvenient to live without when everyone just assumes that you have it. I kept having to run up to the library all the time to look for emails, check directions, etc.


Now I just need to develop some self-control and stay off of this board!:tongue_smilie:

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