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Question about the new CA law

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I was just told by someone who has been very involved with the process of the new gay history bill that it applies to private schools as well as public schools and that homeschoolers (since we register as private schools) will be tested on it.


Is this true? Has anyone on here heard this? I thought standardized testing for homeschoolers in CA was optional :confused:

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Standardized testing is not required for private schoolers in CA.


Yes, I don't see how the state could possibly test all homeschoolers on their knowledge of gay people in history. They won't even be able to do it for PS kids. Publicly-schooled children (and those in charters) in CA take the STAR test, and it doesn't have a history/social-studies section until 8th grade and up. Privately-schooled kids don't have to take those tests at all, and in CA if you're an independent homeschooler, then you're a private school.

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No, SB48 DOES NOT impact private schools or homeschoolers.


However, they did put in a paragraph that specifically states that charter schools should comply with it.


It will be up to the individual charter school or authority the charter school falls under to determine just how they will be in compliance. My guess is that they will make the textbooks available but won't be able to force parents to use them (Most homeschoolers don't use those ps texts anyway).

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