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Be very careful what you post online

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Thing is, it is kind of wrong, against internet ethics, to go digging up dirt on people you are online with and then posst it on a board or post something that would get people to look for the info by making it sound so juicey. There are many internet boards that have a policy against it in fact.


I agree, people should be very careful what they post. They can get burned in many ways.

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Because in at least 2 other threads the particular poster in question was posting in an interesting matter (one on the Civil War and one on Obama). There were questions raised about the particular poster in question, so it is natural that Phred would try to verify him, which would trigger the original post in this thread.


I think the two of them could be very good friends. They have similar posting habits.


And that is all I am going to say about that.

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Because in at least 2 other threads the particular poster in question was posting in an interesting matter (one on the Civil War and one on Obama). There were questions raised about the particular poster in question, so it is natural that Phred would try to verify him, which would trigger the original post in this thread.


Sorry. Nope. I'm not buying it. :001_smile:

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I'm with LisaNY. I'm not buying it either. It's obvious that Phred and his search subject are not the best of friends. Phred has used the term "retardican" and "troll" in reference to his search subject. Now I'm supposed to believe that his pursuit of this information is altruistic? If his intentions were to really pursue the topic of internet safety, then he could have searched for his own info. Or a friend's. I'm curious to know why he would choose a "retardican" "troll" for his search?

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Have you tried googling your login name? If you use it a various boards someone could certainly create a pattern of your life, or at least your internet habits.


zabasearch.com is another people locator, their information can be accurate, but is sometimes outdated.



I am not invisible, this I know. But, I don't frequent a lot of boards, and don't always use the same login name anyhow. Not much shows up in a search for me...at least not a simple search. You're right though, for some this is another way to track or be tracked.

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My husband's name, company, picture, policy opinions, and sometimes travel schedule are all over the internet and the news. He's delighted. He even has a paid service that informs him whenever his name is mentioned publicly so he doesn't miss anything. He's aware of blogs that trash him regularly. Doesn't bother him a bit. It's part of his job, and he's happy for the publicity.


(I agree that Phred was neither making a public service announcement nor asking for advice on staying safe online.)

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