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Is it a full moon today or something?

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Because it's like everyone's gone all cranky-pants on me. There's lots of pick-pick-picking between my kids, and they keep whining at me, and my husband is being unusually short-tempered with them. There are a number of fairly snarky threads here, and several that aren't snarky, just rantish or whiney. People on my FB are unsusually gripy, and I, myself am constantly having to bite my tongue and sit on my hands, and not always having stellar success at it. I feel like putting everyone down for a nap and climbing into a bubble bath.


What gives?

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My kids have been doing the same. After thinking all week about how fabulous and quiet it's been with only the 2 of them this week, they woke up bickering. DD3 actually woke up this morning falling off the bed, and I am pretty sure it was the wrong side of it. SHe has been so whiny and miserable all day, it is driving me nuts.

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My kids have been doing the same. After thinking all week about how fabulous and quiet it's been with only the 2 of them this week, they woke up bickering. DD3 actually woke up this morning falling off the bed, and I am pretty sure it was the wrong side of it. SHe has been so whiny and miserable all day, it is driving me nuts.


My kids usually get along pretty well. If one is annoying the other they can usually solve the problem, and if not, a few well chosen words from mom or a "two-minute tidy time" usually fixes the problem. This morning I had to peel them away from each other so many times (it was mostly verbal with a little light shoving, nothing violently physical, but STILL!) that I wound up sending them both to their rooms until I called them for breakfast. BREAKFAST! It is never a good sign when you're already 'done' with your kids before breakfast.

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Because it's like everyone's gone all cranky-pants on me. There's lots of pick-pick-picking between my kids, and they keep whining at me, and my husband is being unusually short-tempered with them. There are a number of fairly snarky threads here, and several that aren't snarky, just rantish or whiney. People on my FB are unsusually gripy, and I, myself am constantly having to bite my tongue and sit on my hands, and not always having stellar success at it. I feel like putting everyone down for a nap and climbing into a bubble bath.


What gives?



same thing at my house today. my girls are rarely sent to their rooms. and they were there for most of the afternoon..





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I soooo needed to see this thread today!


My three-nager had two full blown tantrums during a brief trip to the grocery store, to the point that an elderly woman looking at my kids commented "I hope they're OK..." to her friend as I was trying to remain calm and wrangle him into the carseat. And the six year old was sassy all.day. long. Even the baby had not one but three diaper blowouts right after I gave him a bath.


I was sure they were conspiring to finally make me lose my marbles and wondering if (judging from the look on that wlderly woman's face) having them removed from my care would be such a bad idea (because I clearly am not doing a good job raising them).


As I said - I really needed to see this today, thank you.


Though I'm sorry that so many others are having such a crappy day, and yes - the full moon was breathtaking last night!

Edited by pgr
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Misery does love company, eh?


I am tired of the incessant chatter.


And really, what value does a lengthy conversation consiting entirely of repetetively chanting the call/response of,


"Cuckoo! Cuckoo!"

"I know you are, but what am I?"


contribute to the world?


(I mean...I'm glad the autistic one had the social sense to come up with such a "lovely" age-appropriate response, but....really?)

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