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Advice please...MIL visit & dd's meds. LONG

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:lol::lol::lol: In my early 20's, vodka straight-up was my drink of choice! All I can say is, thank God those days are over. Now I'm a more mellow drinker, though I admit, my taste for wine has grown substantially over the last year. I've only had a glass or two before 8pm a couple of times but I'll tell you, it may just happen tonight! :lol:


Wow. I bow to you as a drinker. :cheers2:

I had a one night stand with Goldschlagger once in college and that was the last of my drinking the "real" stuff. I can do girly cocktails like pina coladas but who can afford those calories to get drunk on them??


So it's wine for us. We both hate beer even.


Is she there yet? We should start calling her, SWSNBN - code for She Who Shall Not Be Named. :D


And I'm going to PM you for support when my MIL comes back, hopefully in 4 years or so...

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Wow. I bow to you as a drinker. :cheers2:

I had a one night stand with Goldschlagger once in college and that was the last of my drinking the "real" stuff. I can do girly cocktails like pina coladas but who can afford those calories to get drunk on them??


So it's wine for us. We both hate beer even.


Is she there yet? We should start calling her, SWSNBN - code for She Who Shall Not Be Named. :D


And I'm going to PM you for support when my MIL comes back, hopefully in 4 years or so...


Oh yes, she's here...and the wine tastes fabulous! :-)

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...but if you have trouble with that or she transgresses boundaries anyway, tell her that you *know* it's almost impossible for someone to do constitutional prescribing on a member of their own family, as the prescriber is subject to the same miasmatic taint as the patient. That'll get her. :lol:


This. She should know that she can't "treat" family.


Good luck!

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This. She should know that she can't "treat" family.


Good luck!


So, I'm a weenie! I did bring it up a little, but I just lack boldness.


First, I brought up dd's meds. Oddly, it slipped right into conversation and no issues came of it. YAY!


Second, I brought up the remedy thing. I must first say that I have no problem with her treating us for acute issues. However, after this thread, I was pondering everything yesterday afternoon when it hit me. My kids are reluctant. And who am I? I'm supposed to be the one who protects them. So, while mil was talking about her different modules, I asked her about a case she took for me a few years ago. I said, "Was that for a constitutional remedy or were you just dealing with my chronic issue?" It came out then that several times during that module (I was one of her cases for that module), she sent in her cases for review and each one came back to her with the note that they were incomplete. AHA! This was my opening! So I said, "Were all of them family members?" YUP! So I asked her if she felt she was able to really get a complete history, with her own issues possibly being represented...went into it pretty well, I think.


At that point, I made a less indirect comment (yes, still being a weenie) about how my kids won't take very kindly to being interviewed. She seemed to back-track at that point and said something about wanting to just write things down, take notes, as she heard them say and do different things. :rolleyes: Dh and I talked about it though and I do think he'll stick close to her while I'm away and make sure the kids are happy.


On a final note, I am so excited to leave tomorrow! I found out last night that she's leaving next Tuesday which means that I only have to be here with her 1.5 days on each end of her visit! :party:

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So, I'm a weenie! I did bring it up a little, but I just lack boldness.


First, I brought up dd's meds. Oddly, it slipped right into conversation and no issues came of it. YAY!


Second, I brought up the remedy thing. I must first say that I have no problem with her treating us for acute issues. However, after this thread, I was pondering everything yesterday afternoon when it hit me. My kids are reluctant. And who am I? I'm supposed to be the one who protects them. So, while mil was talking about her different modules, I asked her about a case she took for me a few years ago. I said, "Was that for a constitutional remedy or were you just dealing with my chronic issue?" It came out then that several times during that module (I was one of her cases for that module), she sent in her cases for review and each one came back to her with the note that they were incomplete. AHA! This was my opening! So I said, "Were all of them family members?" YUP! So I asked her if she felt she was able to really get a complete history, with her own issues possibly being represented...went into it pretty well, I think.


At that point, I made a less indirect comment (yes, still being a weenie) about how my kids won't take very kindly to being interviewed. She seemed to back-track at that point and said something about wanting to just write things down, take notes, as she heard them say and do different things. :rolleyes: Dh and I talked about it though and I do think he'll stick close to her while I'm away and make sure the kids are happy.


On a final note, I am so excited to leave tomorrow! I found out last night that she's leaving next Tuesday which means that I only have to be here with her 1.5 days on each end of her visit! :party:


You did it like a diplomat! :D It's actually how I like to handle things. My mom says I can tell people to go the H*%# and they'll thank me for it. :) I never recommend it though because it takes a careful touch.


Congrats!!! :D

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So, I'm a weenie! I did bring it up a little, but I just lack boldness.


First, I brought up dd's meds. Oddly, it slipped right into conversation and no issues came of it. YAY!


Second, I brought up the remedy thing. I must first say that I have no problem with her treating us for acute issues. However, after this thread, I was pondering everything yesterday afternoon when it hit me. My kids are reluctant. And who am I? I'm supposed to be the one who protects them. So, while mil was talking about her different modules, I asked her about a case she took for me a few years ago. I said, "Was that for a constitutional remedy or were you just dealing with my chronic issue?" It came out then that several times during that module (I was one of her cases for that module), she sent in her cases for review and each one came back to her with the note that they were incomplete. AHA! This was my opening! So I said, "Were all of them family members?" YUP! So I asked her if she felt she was able to really get a complete history, with her own issues possibly being represented...went into it pretty well, I think.


At that point, I made a less indirect comment (yes, still being a weenie) about how my kids won't take very kindly to being interviewed. She seemed to back-track at that point and said something about wanting to just write things down, take notes, as she heard them say and do different things. :rolleyes: Dh and I talked about it though and I do think he'll stick close to her while I'm away and make sure the kids are happy.



That's not being a weenie. That's being smart! :hurray:

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