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We start tomorrow!

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I plan on afterschooling my two boys, going into K and 1st, this year. They don't start school for 6 more weeks, but I am going to get started on reading with K and 1st HOP, as well as HWT K and 1st. My 1st grader will be 7 this fall and is still flipping letters and numbers. I'm hoping the extra practice will have him growing out of the flipping sooner then later.


Anyway we have never done any type of homeschooling or afterschooling before, so wish me luck! Tomorrow should be interesting!

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Good Luck to all. I have been seriously afterschooling for about 3 months and in the fall I will try to add living books curriculum to our list of subjects. I am still trying to work out how we will get it all done. I can say I am really seeing the benefits of afterschooling even when my son doesn't want to do it all the time. I see true growth. So continue on, and good luck!

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Thanks for asking! It went slow. lol I was not as prepared as I thought I was going to be and had to keep looking at the teacher's guide over and over for the hwt. The HOP went well though. My 5 year old is tearing through the yellow, Kindy, box. I didn't realize he could read as well as he did yesterday. It was a fun surprise!

Their handwriting needs work. We really have to tackle that 4 or 5 days a week. Especially for my almost 7 year old. Even after a year of K he still writes so many numbers and letters backwards...

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Good luck to everyone else that is starting!


It feels good to get a head start on the afterschooling program that we will do this fall. There won't be a lot of time once school and school homework starts so I am happy to get into a groove now as well as review basics to see what subjects they need extra in.

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I'm glad it went well!


Here is a fun game you can play with them or have them play together:




Also, here is why and how to teach the sight words phonetically, I've remediated a lot of children who had trouble from being taught sight words as wholes:



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