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I'm looking for patterns for history costumes for children


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does anyone know where I can find these? Particularly for boys for Rev. war time, civil war time. The local pattern stores don't have anything for little boys. I googled but didn't really come up with anything. I'm wanting to bring in some fun history play.


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How authentic do you want to go? We are interpreters for a museum, so we have to be completely authentic, but there are patterns for everything from costume, to authentic, to in between.


For Civil War, Period Impressions are your best bet. I would recommend them for an Int./Adv. sewer however, period clothing includes different techniques and is significantly more difficult than modern sewing. If you are looking for more of a costume and authenticity is not an issue, and are a beginning sewer, stick with the Big 3 patterns. If it is for a little boy (under 7 or so) then Elizabeth Stewart Clark's patterns are the easiest (can be used by a beginner) and are the most authentic.


For Rev. War, William Booth Draper is well known in the museum world, just click on the Children's patterns link. Jas Townshend also sells ready-made clothing both in costume & more authentic versions, as well as children's patterns.

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Thanks everyone, I'll check these out. I'm not looking for authentic, just close and something I won't mind them playing in. They would like some uniforms. They are 6 and 8 and really into acting out the things they are learning about. I love it:001_smile:!

I can sew well but I don't have much time so easy would be better.

I'm thinking about these costumes for Christmas presents.


Any more suggestions?

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Simplicity, McCalls and Butterick have alot of girl patterns and adult, but not much for boys and not for the time periods I'm wanting at this point (American History).

Anymore suggestions?

I also would like to buy hats to go with my outfits if anyone knows where to get those.


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