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Help, I ideas for a behavior chart.

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This is for my 4 youngest kids ages 10, 6, 5, and 4. I really need to come up with a positive reinforcement behavior chart. They are driving me crazy with picking, being hateful, and not picking up their toys, clothes etc. I'm not very creative or crafty. Is their something I could make or buy that would help me?

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I'd go with the standard goals but...add one element that's really special (I did this)


I made a chore chart with the same reward system for MYSELF and put it right there next to the the kid.


Really a fun thing for the kids to see what you are responsible for, helps build a mindset of a family team.


Also, I made it a point to make responsibilities and behaviors that are positive in tone. It makes it fun and a character builder, good conversation.


So for the things you mentioned in your post, pick the positive opposite behavior..


(hateful)- good things...loving expression, generosity..etc.

(messy) - good things..being tidy, helping out


Kids love photos of themselves doing the activity I think. Take some photos of them and paste them into the chart actually doing the behavior you wish to see. Here is an example of a series of my kiddo doing baseboard work (lol) http://4962997.blogspot.com/2011/07/housekeeping-101.html We reviewed it, talked it over and I was able to say how proud I was of her, why we need to do housework, the reasons and all that kind of thing.


Let them also help guide you one what they want to see positive out of you..hugs, fun, parks, this sort of thing.


Just some ideas..

Edited by one*mom
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I personally like "The Children's Bill of Rights" by John Rosemond.




  1. Because it is the most character-building, two-letter word in the English language, children have the right to hear their parents say “No†at least three times a day.
  2. Children have the right to find out early in their lives that their parents don’t exist to make them happy, but to offer them the opportunity to learn the skills they will need to eventually make themselves happy.
  3. Children have a right to scream all they want over the decisions their parents make, albeit their parents have the right to confine said screaming to certain areas of their homes.
  4. Children have the right to find out early that their parents care deeply for them but don’t give a hoot what their children think about them at any given moment in time.
  5. Because it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, children have the right to hear their parents say “Because I said so†on a regular and frequent basis.
  6. Because it is the most character-building activity a child can engage in, children have the right to share significantly in the doing of household chores.
  7. Every child has the right to discover early in life that he isn’t the center of the universe (or his family or his parents’ lives), that he isn’t a big fish in a small pond, and that he isn’t the Second Coming, so as to prevent him from becoming an insufferable brat.
  8. Children have the right to learn to be grateful for what they receive, therefore, they have the right to receive all of what they truly need and very little of what they simply want.
  9. Children have the right to learn early in their lives that obedience to legitimate authority is not optional, that there are consequences for disobedience, and that said consequences are memorable and, therefore, persuasive.
  10. Every child has the right to parents who love him/her enough to make sure he/she enjoys all of the above rights.


:lol::lol:No seriously. This may not be positive enough...but what a fountain of wisdom!

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I love We Choose Virtues and Wise Words for Moms...not exactly a reward system type thing, but charts...and ever so helpful. WCV is something my children actually really like! It's been fantastic to use. And I even have a promo code I can share to save you some moola! (it's "tamara") You'll save 8 bucks on the flashcards (either the faith based or community based). You only need the cards to get started, and the Virtues poster is great to have too. You can use 2nd promo code and save on that one too ("family"). Anyone that orders, please use "tamara" even if you buy a kit or don't get the cards. I'm racking up orders to earn myself a discount. ;) I loved it so much, I just wanted to share it with everyone!



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