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How to deal with this situation?

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Little Librarian and her cousin have spent an hour drawing pictures. They just showed me their art creations and they all have prices on them. The girls originally wanted to go run errands with DH and try to sell the art while they were out in the stores. I told them that you couldn't sell things while in someone elses store so now they want to setup a stand in the front yard and try to sell their art there. I know it should be cute but I'm uneasy about that idea and am not going to let them do it. They're very excited about it and right now I've told them that DH and I will talk about it later and see if we're going to allow that to happen. For one thing they've got price tags on their pictures of $10. How do I tell them nicely that we aren't doing that?

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I let my little entrepreneur sell hand-made cards that she made with her friend. The cards are so good but they are trying to raise money for the Humane society. I did talk to the girls about reasonable prices - about 25 cents for each card with a sign up telling what the money was for. They didn't sell much - I think they made 50 cents. But it didn't discourage them and I think was for a good cause - and it kept them occupied.

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My 7 year old did this a TON when she was 6. She was always drawing and coloring and wanting to sell things. She said that when she grows up, she wants to be an artist and sell her artwork at Wal-Mart. :D Big dreams, I tell ya. :lol:


I let her bring her artwork to my parents house and sell a few to my parents and sisters, but that's it. And I didn't allow her to have high price tags....anything was under a dollar. It was very difficult for her to understand why she couldn't just walk around selling her artwork to random people.

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Little Librarian and her cousin have spent an hour drawing pictures. They just showed me their art creations and they all have prices on them. The girls originally wanted to go run errands with DH and try to sell the art while they were out in the stores. I told them that you couldn't sell things while in someone elses store so now they want to setup a stand in the front yard and try to sell their art there. I know it should be cute but I'm uneasy about that idea and am not going to let them do it. They're very excited about it and right now I've told them that DH and I will talk about it later and see if we're going to allow that to happen. For one thing they've got price tags on their pictures of $10. How do I tell them nicely that we aren't doing that?


I'd let them try. Maybe talk about pricing things more competitively. My girls love having "for sale" stands (once they tried to sell pickles, LOL). I think the actual selling is less of an issue than the fun of setting up the stand, choosing inventory and so on.


Don't overthink it. Just let them have fun :)

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You can explain that "in-real-life" most artists hang their pictures in galleries, professional businesses, or coffee shops to sell and not on the front lawn, then give them the option of hanging them indoors and inviting people over for a gallery exhibit.

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Have they seen Arthur recently? There was an episode recently in which the little preschool twins sell their art to buy a toy. I would let them set up a stand in the yard, but after a discussion on pricing. I would find it charming if I passed a child with an art stand.

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My 9 year old is a very artsy kid and she made a bunch of stuff necklaces , bracelts, bookmarks and other random "one of a kind pieces"


She would go to the flea market with my cousin & she's made about 450$ in about 9 months, and she's saving it. I think it's great :)


But if you dont want to have them try to sell them, just say no & hang them up somewhere in your house :001_smile:

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