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Alternative to AAA?

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We've had two bad experiences, and frankly don't travel enough to justify the maps and guidebooks.


DH wants roadside assistance. Our auto insurance will reinburse for towing, but no central number to call, etc. like AAA.



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I don't know of any as we've always been very satisfied AAA members. It's saved us on a number of occasions, but we do travel to dog shows, etc. quite a lot.


Maybe your car manufacturer or insurance carrier offers roadside assistance?



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We have it through our auto insurance as well. It's very inexpensive, about $7 a year per car, I think. We've used it once, and it was handled well. The downsides are that you have to find the service person yourself, which can be hard if you don't know the area very well, and that you have to pay the person up front and get reimbursed later. We locked our keys in our car when we were on vacation, three hours from home; thankfully we were at a gas station, and we were able to use their phone book to find a local person. They didn't end up covering the entire cost of the unlock service, but they covered most of it; the insurance only covers a certain amount, and since the guy had to travel quite a distance to reach us, he charged more. But once we got home, it was very easy to call our agent and have him process it, and we got the check quickly.


Not the greatest for vacation, but for towing or lock-out around here, within a reasonable mileage of home, it would be fine. Not worth the high cost of AAA to me anyway.

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We have road side assistance through our cell phone company (verizon) i think we pay like 5 dollars a month for it, it covers 10 miles of towing, car jumps, gas if you need it, tire changes and i'm not sure what else. Thankfully we haven't had to use it yet. The only down fall is that your phone has to be in your vehicle or with you when you call.

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We have it through our cell phone company too. It's saved us several times! They've gotten keys out of our car and put a new tire on after a blowout. You do have to have your phone with you. On the other hand, no matter who's car I'm in- I can use the roadside assistance as long as I'm there with my phone!

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