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Literature WTM style?


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So, I have our binders for each of the subjects with the tabs all ready to go. We are in our 3rd week of school, and they are beginning to fill up. It's so exciting!




There is NOTHING in the "Reading" section. Either behind the "My Reading" or the "Memorization". I was thinking that I should copy out the poems they are learning in FLL and file those behind the memory tab, but I don't have a clue as to what to do with the "My Reading".


I must confess that I don't really have the "My Reading" thing under control. I know it must be easy to implement, but for the life of me, I can't seem to figure it out. All the books we get for literature are from the history lists in the SOTW activity guide, and I read most of those to them as bedtime stories. I do try to have one during our third history lesson during the week for them to narrate, but it is usually not a fiction book to file under "my reading". Those pictures or narrations go in the history notebook.


Should I have them make a page on anything they are reading? Dd6 isn't reading on her own yet, but dd8 reads a lot. Of course, those are usually Geronimo Stilton books, or Garfield. Twaddle, I know, but she was such a reluctant reader I'm thrilled she has found something she loves. Should I have her do a page on a few of those?


Gosh, any thoughts or ideas are appreciated!

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The first thing in ours is a reading log. Just a place to list the books read and the dates. Then in my 3rd grader's especially, yes she does a notebooking page once a month or so on one of the books she has read. They are usually on the books of her choice that she reads, but some have been assigned by me. Sometimes when she is at a loss, I have even assigned her to write a narration on just a chapter of a book.


The memory section is mostly poems, bible verses, history lists, etc. that they have had to memorize. A lot of their copywork is memorywork, so it goes in there.


I started the written narrations in 2nd grade, but not so often.

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I just kept a list of books I read aloud, or dd read to herself. I didn't try to write down every single one, maybe just 2-3 per week.


Some crazy weeks I just taped the library receipt listing all the books to the log page and called it good.



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Confession Time: I haven't done the My Reading section yet (gasp!).


This is why next year we are using Laura's CHOLL program, maybe we'll finally have something for the reading section of her notebook :).

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