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baby kneepads?

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Have you ever used anything on your baby's legs to protect their knees when they fall? My 10 month old is already running, but she still sometimes gets going faster than her little feet can keep up and she falls a lot. It's not a big deal inside but outside is another story! Today we were at the waterpark and her little knees are so scraped up from falling on the cement. Anyone have any recs?

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Apparently I'm a mean, cruel mom. I just let my boys learn not to fall so much. :lol: Granted, they weren't running at 10 months. They weren't even walking at that age. :tongue_smilie:


that is what I did with all of mine, they were waking at 9 months. My ds13 seems to be a slow learner, his knees are still banged and covered in grazes.



Here in Australia they had a marvelous add on television for yogurt, where the e was a baby with a mop attached to it's knees, as it crawled around the room it mopped at the same time. It was very cute.

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