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are there adhd meds that don't effect appetite?

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My son has Aspergers, mild depression (maybe) and slow processing and very low working memory. He was also diagnosed with inattentive type ADHD, no hyperactivity. The neuro psych advised meds, but said to go through his regular doctor for them, to make follow up easier. My concern is two fold. First, he does great with his school work. He has a list to check off and has no real issues with it. He has a near genius IQ, so I think he just is able to compensate, you know? So are meds worth the risks if he is fine academically? Secondly, he is THIN. He is technically quite underweight, but is strong and wiry so the doctor doesn't worry about it. His appetite has never been wonderful. I'm scared that stimulant meds will make him lose even more weight and he would be in serious trouble if that happened.


Also, to be honest, the idea of medicating what I believe is a difference, not a disability worries me. He does function. But he gets in trouble a lot for forgetting to do things, and I can tell that frustrates him. I'm wondering if meds would help him deal with daily life better, and if that would help him stay out of trouble that would be a blessing.


Also, I worry about long term side effects from taking a powerful drug during this time when he is growing so much.


Any thoughts?

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For my son vyvanse is much better than the aderall he was on before. When he was on aderall we only gave if four days a week to get school done. That wasn't an ideal situation, but it was necessary because of the side effects. I keep him on the lowest dose possible with the vyvanse, too. I think there is a relatively new drug out that is non-stimulant. It is only indicated for inattentiveness, so it's not an option for us, but might be for your son. I can't remember the name, though.

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The meds might certainly be worth a try but have you tried any supplements first? The fish oils---1000mg of EPA or more per day can really help with ADD symptoms. I might try that before meds.


My daughter's have no problems with appetite and they are on Dexedrine which used to be used as "Dexatrim" for weight loss. I think that a lot depends on the person--some meds will affect one person but not another.

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