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It's rather annoying when...

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Someone posts about a concern and someone else has to go on and on about how great it is, how much they enjoyed it, how they can't wait to do it again or own it themselves or whatever.


Is it so hard to just say, "We found it to our liking. Sorry you didn't.", and leave it at that?

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I missed it this time around. I have seen that sort of thing before and I always assumed the detail was to help people searching in the future. And sometimes I've seen that exact thing. Someone will say "I'm sorry you didn't like it, but we did. If anyone is interested this is why we liked it:" followed by their assertions that it is okay despite the OP's perspective.


I can how it is annoying though.

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If it's curriculum or something else homeschool related, I, for one, really appreciate hearing both sides instead of just reading more and more of one side and thinking everyone believes that way.


If it's something else, it would depend on what it's about for me to know whether the comments are helpful or tacky.

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If it's curriculum or something else homeschool related, I, for one, really appreciate hearing both sides instead of just reading more and more of one side and thinking everyone believes that way.


If it's something else, it would depend on what it's about for me to know whether the comments are helpful or tacky.



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I don't know. This is a huge forum with lots of people. As long as people are respectful (which doesn't always happen :)), I kind of expect that someone will disagree. I appreciate the differing points of view when I'm trying to make a decision. I even like it when people discuss points back and forth and get specific.


I can't think that people REALLY post on a forum this size and expect that ONLY the people who agree with them will respond.


I will admit that we are talking in broad terms, that covers everything from movie review to curricula to religious teachings, so maybe there is a specific instance that I would change my mind about.

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I think that maybe it's less about differing viewpoints and experiences than it is about the extent to which some people go on and on about themselves and their choices without offering anything truly helpful, especially when using fewer words is almost always better (more tactful, polite, less self-centered, etc.).


People seem to jump on the idea that someone might be stifling others' opinions, free speech, censoring, or being intolerant when that isn't the case at all. I don't think I've ever really seen anyone here say that someone doesn't have the right to say...whatever. BUT, it doesn't have to be about me, me, me all the time--it's great to *LISTEN* to what the OP is saying and read the entire post before responding; responding with THEM in mind and not every little thing I want to share, boast about, get off my chest. I usually find myself tripping up when I don't remember this and I daresay that's an issue for others, too.

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I guess my question would be "What is the original poster's point in posting their opinion?" (Not of this thread, but the hypothetical OP where other people jump on the bandwagon disagreeing with....)


Is it to warn others?


Start a dialogue?


See if they are being unreasonable?


With all of those, a " I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but it did work for us because of: A, B, and C reasons" is an acceptable response and helps the hundreds (thousands?) of other people who might read the thread.


"What are you nuts? You're an overprotective ninny." would be unhelpful to the discussion. :D. Though, I admit, there are times, where that's the type of rebuttal that comes back to them.

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Personally, I appreciate a variety of opinions. Elaborating helps *me* to understand where various people are coming from. That helps me decide with whom my own viewpoint is better aligned, better helping me make a decision for my family.


I guess my question would be "What is the original poster's point in posting their opinion?" (Not of this thread, but the hypothetical OP where other people jump on the bandwagon disagreeing with....)


Is it to warn others?


Start a dialogue?


See if they are being unreasonable?


Can we take a current (and relatively innocuous) example? There were a couple of threads on Cars 2.


Anyone else shocked by character in Cars 2?

Common Sense Media: Cars 2 review/parents aren't happy


With all of those, a " I'm sorry it didn't work for you, but it did work for us because of: A, B, and C reasons" is an acceptable response and helps the hundreds (thousands?) of other people who might read the thread.


Both of those threads (which, I am just using as examples) were posted by people who had not seen the movie. I think people were pretty much in agreement about the name, but, as far as the movie goes, there were people who liked it and people who didn't. People explained why they did and didn't like it. They mentioned the ages of their kids, the types of movies/tv they do and don't allow and so forth. I think that sort of thing is probably pretty helpful to people trying to determine whether they want to see the movie with their own kids.


I don't think it would be fair to think common sense media's opinion should be respected to the point of "sorry it didn't work for you, we liked it" when the OP had not even seen the movie. I'm not saying anyone in *this* thread is saying exactly that, I'm just giving an example here. :)


In short (too late, I know, lol), I find it more helpful when people explain exactly why they did or did not like something. If they don't elaborate, how am I supposed to know with whom I might agree? If they don't elaborate, why bother posting at all? That seems like it would be sort of silly.

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Perhaps they are trying to encourage you to "look at the bright side".... every cloud has that silver lining.... Have you considered all these wonderful possibilities.


Perhaps they just like to talk and share.... their enthusiasm bubbles over.


Perhaps your experience was an abnormality & you may want to look back at it all or try one more time?


Perhaps it isn't about YOU but about them and they are joyful.


Perhaps something here helps you see a positive side to someone sharing an experience.


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Personally, I appreciate a variety of opinions. Elaborating helps *me* to understand where various people are coming from. That helps me decide with whom my own viewpoint is better aligned, better helping me make a decision for my family.


In short (too late, I know, lol), I find it more helpful when people explain exactly why they did or did not like something. If they don't elaborate, how am I supposed to know with whom I might agree? If they don't elaborate, why bother posting at all? That seems like it would be sort of silly.




With movies, I agree almost even more than curriculum. I no longer have young children, but there are just plain things I don't care to pay to see and other things I really enjoy.


Ditto that with travel threads. (Is _____ worth seeing and how much time should one spend there?)

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With movies, I agree almost even more than curriculum. I no longer have young children, but there are just plain things I don't care to pay to see and other things I really enjoy.


Ditto that with travel threads. (Is _____ worth seeing and how much time should one spend there?)


Exactly! My sister holds a grudge against Florence because there was a terrible rainstorm while we were there and hijinks ensued. That doesn't negate somebody else's wonderful vacation in the beautiful city of Firenze. They are just *different* perspectives.

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Quote from 6PackofFun:


I think that maybe it's less about differing viewpoints and experiences than it is about the extent to which some people go on and on about themselves and their choices without offering anything truly helpful, especially when using fewer words is almost always better (more tactful, polite, less self-centered, etc.).


People seem to jump on the idea that someone might be stifling others' opinions, free speech, censoring, or being intolerant when that isn't the case at all. I don't think I've ever really seen anyone here say that someone doesn't have the right to say...whatever. BUT, it doesn't have to be about me, me, me all the time--it's great to *LISTEN* to what the OP is saying and read the entire post before responding; responding with THEM in mind and not every little thing I want to share, boast about, get off my chest. I usually find myself tripping up when I don't remember this and I daresay that's an issue for others, too.



Yes, this is what I'm saying. It's usually an opposing opinion that sounds more like bragging with no supporting points about why they differ in thought.


I love the difference of opinion on curriculum and all sorts ot topics. I love it when people share why they think that and have points that support their feelings and experiences. The posts I'm thinking of are nothing like that.

Edited by Jeanne in MN
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