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?'s about CLE Math placement tests...


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I gave the math placement tests to three of my dc.


My dd who was getting ready to go into the 4th R&S math made a '54' on the level 200 test. The instructions say 55 or higher means go into level 300. Do you think that means she should go into 300? She was only one point under the cut off, but I want to make sure she is in the right spot because she frustrates easily...she is dealing with chronic illness.


My other dd who was also getting ready to go into R&S math 4th grade, scored a 45 on the level 200. The instructions say that less than 55 means go into level 200. The thing is, this dd acted like she didn't want to take the whole test, but *said* that she did. (it is long) Her sister wanted to and wasn't the least stressed by it. That may have affected what she said about it. Well, I let her go ahead and take it with her sister. Now I am wondering if it was too long for one day and maybe not an accurate score. Should I let her take the test again???? I don't want the fact that she has already seen it to skew her results either. Not sure what to do with that.


My ds took the level 300 test...he would be going into R&S Math 5th grade next year. He scored an 84. The instructions say that 75 or higher means level 400. Do you think I should give him the level 400 test or just start him in level 400? He is not excited about switching math programs to start with. I just don't want to frustrate him too much.


I hope someone who is familiar with these tests will chime in. I need the voice of experience here! :001_smile:



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Do you know which concepts did they miss most ? MAybe you could work with them in these areas . I would put them both in 300 and go on from there. They probably missed many problems that they are not familiar with since CLE introduces some concepts earlier than most programs. They will catch up .


I would also rec a free math program which is a lot like Teaching Textbooks --it has videos explanations. You have to sign up as a TEACHER (not homeschooler ) in order to get it free .



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I, too, would put them both in Level 300. If it's only a few things here or there or a majority of just one section (like fractions), then you can easily teach on the fly as they come up in Level 300. There is so much review, I think it will be fine.


For your son, I'd look ahead to the next level and just see what you think about the samples. Look at each LightUnit's samples and then you can decide if you think your son should take the next level diagnostic test. Or you could just start in Level 400 and consider anything at the beginning review for him.


Good luck; I know its hard to switch programs.

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I would look at what they missed and find the LU on the scope and sequence that seems to match their current abilities. For your two dds, that will probably be somewhere in level 300. For your son, I would have him take the other placement test. He may be able to start halfway through 400 or he might be ready for 500.

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They tested a level behind where they would have been starting in R&S. Is that unusual? The thing is I feel behind in math with some of them anyway. Is this switch a good idea? :tongue_smilie: I really want to use this program because I think it will save me teaching time without sacrificing quality.


My ds took the 400 level test today. He did well...just 10 points below the cut off. He is the one who is against making a switch...he does. not. like change! I think 10 points is significant enough to warrant going with the lower level, though, don't you?


I agree about starting both girls in the 300 level.


What d'ya think? I was thinking I would order one light unit for each level and see how they do.


I hate switching programs too. It's just that sometimes it is necessary if it isn't working for one reason or another....

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Each math program has its own scope and sequence and they tend to end up at the same place at the end. Compared to R&S, I would think that CLE would save time.


My son HATES change. Which is actually why he likes CLE now that we are using it. It is very predictable. Every day is the same routine and he knows exactly how much work to expect.


Also, for your son, I don't think its a matter of needing to go in the lower level, but finding where in that level he places. He's probably going to find the earlier light units to much review and the later light units will have more new information for him. I'm basing this on the fact that he scored 84 on the test. He may be able to place further into the 400 level than the beginning.


Or, if he takes the test again for the next level, he might surprise you. You know him best; feel free to go with your gut. I can usually tell by the samples or the scope and sequence if I feel he knows the information or not, or, sometimes, I just want him to go over something again that I don't think he's really taken in. You may feel that way with the entire Level 400.


Also, know that the first light unit of every level is a review of the previous level. You take a pretest and if you pass, you go on to the next. If you don't pass, it goes over lessons/skills you should know in order to move on through the entire level.


I'd start with just one or two light units per child. They do go pretty quickly. My son is VERY behind in math and I have him do two lessons a few days a week now that he's ready for it.

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You know, I am concerned about being able to get through the levels before time for Algebra. (9th grade) Which level is necessary to go through to be ready for Algebra?


If we did one level per year, my ds would finish level 6 in 8th grade, one dd would finish level 6 in 8th grade, and the other dd would finish level 7 in 8th grade.


Is it possible to finish more than one level per year? Maybe just cross off the stuff they know and keep going?


Advice, please....now I feel stressed. :confused:

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I'm sorry, I'm not there yet myself, so I don't know which level. I would think Level 800 but maybe 700 is enough. We are coming from even further behind, but since my son has delays, I'm just happy he's getting it at the moment. :) It's quite easy to throw in two lessons a day, but I don't do it all the time, just 2-3 days a week. If it helps for planning, there are 16 lessons in each LightUnit. You could also go through the summer maybe? Would you have finished R&S 8 by 9th?

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You know, I am concerned about being able to get through the levels before time for Algebra. (9th grade) Which level is necessary to go through to be ready for Algebra?


If we did one level per year, my ds would finish level 6 in 8th grade, one dd would finish level 6 in 8th grade, and the other dd would finish level 7 in 8th grade.


Is it possible to finish more than one level per year? Maybe just cross off the stuff they know and keep going?


Advice, please....now I feel stressed. :confused:


Again, I suggest looking at what's in each LU. Your kids may not need or benefit from doing all of a particular level. Because the first LU in each level reviews the previous level, you might get the first LUs of 300, 400, and 500 and have your kids work through those. Your ds might not need level 400. Anything in 500 that he hasn't seen can be explained by you (and it is also usually briefly explained again in the text). If you are worried about catching up, do math in the summer. I did math remediation with my oldest dd during the past school year. She is working on math this summer as well and is on track to be at grade level by the end of next summer.


At a normal pace, each LU takes about 3 weeks.

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I was missing a page of the test when I graded my son's test. He actually scored 66...so according to their schedule, that means he is ready for level 500. I think I will go with that. I was so relieved when I realized he could start in 500. One level behind doesn't sound as bad as two. :tongue_smilie:


I like the idea of getting the first light unit of 4 for him to go through and then the first of 5. I think he'll be fine. He felt good about doing well on *both* tests.

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You know, I am concerned about being able to get through the levels before time for Algebra. (9th grade) Which level is necessary to go through to be ready for Algebra?


If we did one level per year, my ds would finish level 6 in 8th grade, one dd would finish level 6 in 8th grade, and the other dd would finish level 7 in 8th grade.


Is it possible to finish more than one level per year? Maybe just cross off the stuff they know and keep going?


Advice, please....now I feel stressed. :confused:


I was looking to switch my 7th grader from Saxon Algebra 1/2 to CLE, and because of how early CLE covers pre-algebra topics, I would have to put her way back in level 500! So I've decided on using Teaching Textbooks pre-algebra instead.


If you skip the quizes and tests, which is what I do, you can finish a level of CLE in 20 weeks.


If you go to the CLE website you can download a copy of their scope and sequence. That will give you an idea of what topics are covered in each level.


Susan in TX

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It took my oldest dd just under a month (4-day weeks) to do a LU at the 400 level. Remember that the first LU is a review of the previous level. The "teaching" starts at the X01 book, not the X00 book. I'd recommend getting the first couple of LU to try it out.


I have heard of some moms who have their dc do the "new" stuff on one assignment, cross off the review for that lesson, and then do the entire second lesson. Thus, you can complete the 16 lessons in approximately 10 days (taking a day for each quiz & test).


We did all the tests/quizzes, but skipped the extra "fun" lesson in the back after the final lesson (17 lessons/book). You can get through a LU at just over three weeks at "normal" speed.


Because of the difference in scope/sequence, it isn't unusual to have to set back a child a level (or part of a level) when switching to CLE from a radically different curriculum.

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I am getting ready to order some sample CLE light units.


My son who tested into level 500 is my main concern. When I looked at the S&S for level 400, I could see several things that my ds has not had. Will they cover any of that stuff in the 5th level? Or should I order the LU's from the 4th level and work through the new stuff before progressing to the 5th level?


Also, to try it out properly do you think I need the TM for each level we'll need?


I'm concerned about making this an easy transition because he does.not. want to change. He really likes R&S...I do too, but it just takes way too long to teach.

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I think that the CLE diagnostic tests are unbearably long. I think the fatigue of doing it in one day could impact their scores.


If they don't want to change programs, it *might* be particularly demoralizing for them to go into an obviously lower level, even if they don't realize it by the numbers (though they probably will figure it out). I'm betting if you go with the lower levels a lot of it would be easy.


As another poster mentioned, CLE does introduce some concepts really early, but they're basic and can be picked up easily without having to back up as much as a diagnostic test might indicate. I'm all for looking at what they messed up on the test and seeing if it's not something that can be introduced and mastered in a day or a week at most.


I like the idea of you buying a couple of light units. I would approach it as something fun and different to do for the summer and evaluate as you go...in part to see if it would really relieve you of a teaching burden or not (remembering your earlier post) and in part to see how your dc respond. The incremental/spiral approach might be something that really clicks with them, or not.

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I am getting ready to order some sample CLE light units.


My son who tested into level 500 is my main concern. When I looked at the S&S for level 400, I could see several things that my ds has not had. Will they cover any of that stuff in the 5th level? Or should I order the LU's from the 4th level and work through the new stuff before progressing to the 5th level?


Also, to try it out properly do you think I need the TM for each level we'll need?



The first light unit in each grade is review of the previous grade. I would order the 501 light unit, work through it and see how he does. If there's a bunch of stuff in it that he doesn't know, or is too hard, then put him in level 400. If he does fine with it then you know he will be able to do level 500.


The teacher's manual is necessary for first grade. For the other grades, I just use it for correcting the student's work.


Susan in TX

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The first light unit in each grade is review of the previous grade. I would order the 501 light unit, work through it and see how he does. If there's a bunch of stuff in it that he doesn't know, or is too hard, then put him in level 400. If he does fine with it then you know he will be able to do level 500.


Susan in TX


Susan, this might sound crazy, but I wonder if 502 might be better for a trial. The OP could then see if the level is right, but also if the spiral/incremental approach is a good fit. You don't get that part in 501. What do you think? Wacky?


I would highly recommend sitting with them for the first few days to introduce anything that's new to them. It's good for the dc, but also good for the mom to know what the issues are.

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Susan, this might sound crazy, but I wonder if 502 might be better for a trial. The OP could then see if the level is right, but also if the spiral/incremental approach is a good fit. You don't get that part in 501. What do you think? Wacky?


I would highly recommend sitting with them for the first few days to introduce anything that's new to them. It's good for the dc, but also good for the mom to know what the issues are.



I have have also seen it suggested on the yahoo list to get the TM and give the kids each LU test until they have trouble. You can also see if it's just one topic, for example geometry, that is causing trouble. Just a thought.

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Taking into consideration your kind suggestions, I think I will order 500, 501, & 502! How's that for thorough coverage??? I like the idea of 500 because it is a review...it'll only cost around $10 to do it.


So, I gather that you think there will be enough coverage of previous level topics so that I don't need to go way back to level 400?

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Taking into consideration your kind suggestions, I think I will order 500, 501, & 502! How's that for thorough coverage??? I like the idea of 500 because it is a review...it'll only cost around $10 to do it.


So, I gather that you think there will be enough coverage of previous level topics so that I don't need to go way back to level 400?[/QUOTE]


Only time will tell.:D


Just sit with them while they get adjusted. I think it should be fine, but that way you'll be able to quickly identify where they need instruction and, more importantly perhaps, head off any frustration.

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