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Help me with my phobia

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My dh would love for us to be campers/hikers. I am very afraid of spiders, ticks, and other bugs. I can't stand the idea of them getting on me. We went to the mountains this month and did hike some short trails. I did enjoy it, but was really nervous the whole time. I don't like being this way and want to get over it.


I had a bad experience as a kid with a large beetle being put in my underwear by my big sister. I don't think that is all of it, because some of it is being afraid of bites and sicknesses from the bites (like lime disease and brown recluse bites where people have almost lost limbs). I'm not only afraid for myself as far as sicknesses but the kids and my dh, too.


How can I overcome this?

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I'm afraid this would be something my DH would have to get over or find a way to do it himself. I do not camp. I tried with my first DH and I hated every single trip. We usually ended up in arguments.


I hate outdoor critters, especially snakes. Each year, I go outside and help my DH with yard work with the understanding that if I encounter a critter, I'm done for the season. I've never lasted longer than a couple of hours. And in fact, I haven't even attempted it this season. I'm just not the outdoors type. And I'm not ashamed of it either.


Maybe researching on how to prevent the types of things that are worrying you might help. For example, I read that lyme disease can be prevented by wearing boots, long pants tucked into the boots, a long-sleeved shirt, and a hat. All items should be light colors to be able to spot ticks. After the hike, a full body check including hair is recommended. It just sounds like a lot of work.

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Has lyme become prevalent in GA? I grew up in SC and it wasn't a problem years ago. I have done a lot of hiking in SC and NC mountains and haven't had issues with brown recluse spiders. There are creepy crawling things though and the ones that are usually the problem are mosquitoes. If you stay on marked trails and that are heavily used your chances of major problems go way down. Do wear boots while hiking. If you are camping stay in a state park campground. They usually have mowed campsites that are nicely kept. It can be enjoyable and taking small steps to being outside is probably the key.

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I once had a phobia of spiders. At home, I would frequently have nightmares and would actually be standing on my bed pointing hysterically to a huge non realistic spider thing I imagined was dangling from my ceiling. But, I grew up camping with my family and my parents loved primitive camping. As far off the beaten path the better. We never used tents. Always slept on the ground in sleeping bags or army cots. Although when we went camping, I never had those nightmares. Maybe because I didn't feel trapped in the house with a huge spider, I felt safe. I don't really know why. I have never thought about it until I read your post. Now I'm intrigued, because we were out in the deep woods in the mountains a lot.


We camp with our children now, but even though we have primitive camped a few times, I much prefer sleeping in a tent without holes :) and camping in a campground that is maintained. Other than a few ants and mosquitos they are pretty much safe. Depending on the time of year when bugs seem more plentiful, we have sprayed around the outside of the tent at night to keep little pests out. And bring peace of mind.


Wearing long light weight pants and shirts and the pants tucked into your boots or socks will help if your concerned about ticks while hiking. But, if you stay on a well beaten trail and stay out of tall grasses or brush you should be fine. We try not to use bug sprays, but when we are going to be hiking in a more wild area, I make everyone spray it on. We even spray around the bottom of our pants and socks. It does help.


My last thought would be to try a state park to camp. They are very manicured. Most ticks and spiders like more wild areas or tall brush. I liked the idea of another poster who suggested taking small steps. Maybe put up the tent on a porch or deck then try the backyard for a night. You could get more used to it without being far from home, then try a campground. My kids love it when we "camp" at home. Best wishes and hope some of this helps.

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Thanks for all the ideas and encouragement. You all have definitely made me feel that I can do this! I was afraid of so many things growing up (afraid to learn to drive, afraid to swim, roller coasters, etc.). When I turned 18, I decided I was tired of being afraid of so much and made myself do things then that I was afraid of. I really didn't realize how much my dh would like to do camp and hike until recently. I know if I overcame those big things then, that I can do it now, too.

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